
Physical inactivity is a health concern in the São Paulo State (37 million inhabitants) where nearly 36% of the
population is getting inadequate amounts of physical activity (insufficiently active).
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate agreement between dual-mode CSA accelerometer outputs and
Techline pedometer outputs assessed concurrently under free-living conditions.

Data were obtained from 24 participants (21 men, 3 women); adults, employee in administrative and health area, that
wore both motion sensors during walking, 12 hours/d for 2 consecutive days in weekdays. The statistic analysis used
was a Pearson Correlation, with significant level of p< .05.
Participants in averaged realized 422,389 ± 150,781 CSA-counts·d-1, 608.36 ± 89.45 CSA-counts·min-1.d-1, 8,091 ±
3,507 pedometer-steps·d-1 . There was a strong relationship between all CSA outputs and pedometer outputs (r = 0.60).

Present results did not support data from Tudor-Lucke [2], who found in a sample of 52 subjects, an average of 9,638
steps/day, 357,601 total.count/day and 415.0 count.min/day of evaluation 52 adults.
Based on these findings, it seems that subjects did not reach the recommendation of taking 10,000 steps/day. There was
a strong linear relationship between total physical activity level derived from CSA accelerometer and from a Pedometer.
Additional studies with different populations are needed to establish the actual relation between these two important and
popular tools for physical activity measure, particularly because lower prices of pedometers.

[1] Matsudo SMM, Matsudo VKR, Araújo TL, Andrade DR, Andrade EL, Oliveira LC & Braggion GF. 2003. Pan Am J
Public Health;14(4):265-272.
[2] Guy C. Le Masurier; Catrine Tudor-Locke Le Masurier, G. C., & C. Tudor-Locke.. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol.
35, No. 5, pp. 867-871, 2003.
[3] Schneider P; Crouter S; Lukajic O, Bassett Jr D. 2003. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 35(10):1779-1784
[4] Tudor-Locke, C., B. E. Ainsworth, W. W. Thompson, & C. E. Matthews. 2002. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 34, No.
12, pp. 2045-2051.

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