

During the last 30 years, Computer Science has become a most important service science for a wide range of quite different sciences. One reason has been that today scientific research and development normally deal with tremendous amounts of data and so need technologic support in data handling. Another reason for the growing significance of Computer Science has been that the systems to be analysed have become more and more complex and so need new methods and concepts for modelling and analysis.


The methods and concepts of Computer Science in Sport cover a wide range of interdisciplinary requirements. They stretch from data acquisition and data mining over systems analysis and modelling & simulation finally to internet- and media-based applications. In particular, the specific methodological differences between technique-oriented Computer Science and system-oriented Sport Science turned out to be very fruitful in order to develop new interdisciplinary methods and approaches.
As one example, the important influence of Computer Science and Information Technology can be seen in the area of Internet, Multimedia, and Media-based Education. As a second important area the so-called unconventional algorithms have to be mentioned, in which concepts like Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms or Fuzzy Logic have successfully been used to model and analyse behavioural phenomena. Based on a number of projects, the contribution exemplarily shows how Neuronal Networks can help to analyse complex processes from games, motions, or rehabilitation.


Since the first steps in the early 80th Computer Science has become an important interdisciplinary partner of Sport Science. This is reflected not only by the number of corresponding conferences and its participants but also by the number and contents’ of interdisciplinary projects, dealing with game analysis, training science, media-based education as well as with data bases and data acquisition, and stretching to biomechanics, physiology and medicine.

Discussion / Conclusions

As a matter of fact, "data" and "information" are the central keywords in nowadays’ sciences. As a consequence, we need techniques, methods, and concepts to get important and useful information from the huge amount of data. In particular in Sport Science, interdisciplinary co-operation with Computer Science may help to better understand and handle problems that have become increasingly complex.


[1]. IACSS :
[2]. Net-based process analysis: