
Boletim da North American Sport Library Network
(Rede de Bibliotecas em Esportes da América do Norte)

1. News from Sports Organizations


A Conferência conjunta da Associação Internacional de Museus do Esporte e Halls da Fama, Rede de Bibliotecas em Esportes da América do Norte e Associação Canadense para a Herança do Esporte (International Association of Sports Museums and Halls of Fame, North American Sport Library Network Canadian Association for Sports Heritage)
19 a 21 de Outubro de 2005
Four Points Sheraton, Calgary, Alberta, Canadá

Para obter uma brochura da conferência e formulário de inscrição visite o portal da NASLIN:

Sessões da NASLIN:
· Arquivos Esportivos: Aquisição, Processamento e Digitalização de Documentos
Paige W. Roberts (Ph.D., MLIS) College Archivist, Springfield College e
Normand Laplante, Manager, Social and Cultural Archives, Library and Archives of Canada
· Digitalizando Materiais Esportivos
James Gates, Library Director, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum e
Michael Gourlie, Archives Advisor, Archives Society of Alberta
· Coleções Olímpicas e Arquivos na América do Norte
Glennda Leslie, City of Calgary Archives; Gladys Serafino, Coordinator, Resource Centre, Olympic Hall of Fame and Museum; Marnie King, Records Analyst, Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games / Comité d’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d’hiver de 2010 à Vancouver (VANOC/COVAN)
· Educando o iniante em pesquisas esportivas – O usuário final na utilização de novas tecnologias e bancos de dados
Dr. K. Alix Hayden, Kinesiology Librarian, University of Calgary Libraries, e
Debra Gassewitz, President, SIRC
· Sítios Esportivos e a Internet: O bom, o mau e o feio
Michael Cook, President, Canada and
Daniel Bell, Director of Research, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles
· Estado da Arte: Atualizações em Recursos e Coleções Esportivos
Debra Gassewitz, Presidente do SIRC,
Dr. Wayne Wilson, VP Research/Library Director,
Suzanne Wise, Reference Librarian, Appalachian State University Library,
Cindy Slater, Library Manager, United States Olympic Committee
Dave Kelly, Reference Librarian, Humanities & Social Sciences, Library of Congress

Primeiras inscrições até: 16 de setembro de 2005. Prazo final para as inscrições: 07 de outubro de 2005.
O portal da NASLIN na Internet também possui apontadores (links) para sítios importantes de Calgary para ajudá-lo a planejar sua viagem a Calgary.

1.2 Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles
AAFLA continua a acrescentar novos relatórios oficiais e documentos a sua coleção de periódicos digitalizados. Agora também disponíveis:
· 1980 Moscow Olympic Official Report
· NAASH Proceedings 2003
· Journal of Olympic History Volume 11
· ASSH Bulletins Nos. 38-39
· Journal of Sport History Vol 29 No 1
Além disso, a seguinte obra está disponível em formato PDF:
· Duncan, Margaret C. & Messner, Michael A.
Gender in televised sports: news and highlights shows, 1989-2004.
Los Angeles: AAFLA, July 2005, 30p.

1.3 SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre)
No recém ocorrido Congresso Mundial da IASI e também na reunião da Assembléia Geral, o SIRC propôs e foi escolhido como sede do próximo Congresso da IASI – Associação Internacional para a Informação Esportiva em 2009. A data do Congresso ainda não foi determinada, mas provavelmente será no mês de junho de 2009, uma das melhores épocas para visitar Ottawa, em Ontário, Canadá. Veja mais em:

O SIRC estará mudando sua sede física da Rua Albert para a esquina da Rua Elgin. Mais amplo, o novo espaço estará, como sempre, aberto aos pesquisadores que queiram conhecer a fantástica coleção de obras em Ciências do Esporte e Recreação.

No dia quatro de abril de 2005, segunda-feira, diante de 225 colegas do curso de Knesiologia (Ciência do Movimento), o Dr. Martin Gibala foi anunciado como vencedor do 2005 SIRC Research Award, prêmio concedido a pesquisadores em esportes na McMaster University, na categoria Alto Rendimento: O impacto da pesquisa aplicada na Excelência Atlética, com o trabalho intitulado Skeletal Muscle Metabolic and Performance Adaptations to Short Sprint Interval Training.
(Este trabalho será indexado no © SPORTDiscus como trabalho não publicado. Este projeto foi apoiado pela National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) e pelo American College of Sports Medicine)

Dr. Krista Chandler da University of Windsor foi igualmente agraciada com o 2004 SIRC Research Award na categora: O impacto do Esporte na Comunidade pelo trabalho intitulado Imagery Use in Youth Sport: an Examination of Developmental Differences,
(Este trabalho será indexado no © SPORTDiscus como trabalho não publicado).
Veja mais em

Thesaurus: Novos Termos (Fevereiro a Junho de 2005)
Vários associações novas e nomes de competições foram acrescentadas à lista de descrições assim como bom número de outros termos: Foram acrescentados os seguintes termos básicos:

BABY BOOM GENERATION, UP (utilizado para) baby boomer ou babyboomer
WORKPLACE (UP jobsite ou job site ou worksite)

1.4 Other News Bytes

Canadian Football Historical Association
Esta organização possui agora um portal na Internet e publica o boletim Canadian Football News e o Jornal From Scrimmage to SnapBack.

2. Technology Update - Surfing the Web

2.1 Notable Websites

Atualidades em sítios esportivos escolares.

Duas partes dos Sport Archives, Special Collections e páginas da Virtual Exhibits foram quase que integralmente atualizadas como resultado da pesquisa conduzida pelos trabalhos apresentado no Congresso Mundial da IASI de Beijing, em maio de 2005. Para a seção Canadense, ArchiviaNet, foram incorporados os principais registros após busca na Rede e Bancos de Dados de Arquivos do Canadá. A primeira seção possui os registros mais importantes mantidos pela Biblioteca e Arquivos do Canadá (Library and Archives Canada - LAC), seguidos de amostras de repertórios mantidos por instituições das províncias (há arquivos demais para listar tudo) Por exemplo, os registros da LAC:
· Amateur Athletic Union of Canada fonds 1884-1972
· Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame fonds [ca. 1890-1986]
· Canadian Amateur Football Association fonds 1949-1982
· Canadian Amateur Hockey Association fonds [ca. 1924-1972].

Registros de Arquivos mantidos por repertórios locais:
· British Columbia Rugby Union fonds, 1889-1930
· Ontario Gymnastic Federation fonds, 1967-1976
· Fonds Comiti organisateur des Jeux olympiques de 1976 (XXI Olympiad, Montreal)
· Ottawa Jewish Men’s Softball League fonds, 1923-1989

Quanto aos Estados Unidos, a primeira parte tem uma lista dos principais bancos de dados de arquivos e redes estaduais /regionais, seguidos de arquivos específicos mantidos por instituição ou sociedade. Há mais de 300 coleções listadas de arquivos específicos, acrescidas com listas de arquivos pessoais que identificam a contribuição do indivíduo para o esporte e para a Educação Física. Por exemplo, duas entradas para a University of Minnesota:

University of Minnesota, Library, Kautz Family YMCA Archives
· Inclui os registros históricos desta organização, o YMCA (N.doT.: Movimento Atlético de Jovens Cristãos) dos Estados Unidos e também dos YMCA e organizações correlatas de Minneapolis e da Grande Nova Iorque, 1887-1997.
University of Minnesota, University Archives
· Papers de Henry Archacki, 1934-1979 (editor & repórter esportivo polonês-americano)
· American Sokol Organization, Western District Records, 1975-1978
· Anne M. Butner Papers, 1900-1912 (diretora, cultura física)
· Papers de George Burbank Webster, 1899-1903 (jogador de futebol americano)

Livros e Séries esportivos integralmente digitalizados
incorporação desta nova seção aos Sítios Esportivos Escolares (Scholarly Sport Sites) e um repertório de trabalhos sobre esportes de acesso livre e gratuito encontrados em coleções digitalizadas, incluindo a biblioteca virtual da AAFLA (Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles, Projetos Making of America (MOA) nas Universidades de Cornell e de Michigan, o Programa de Coleções Abertas da Universidade de Harvard (HU-WW) e o eScholarship Repository da Universidade da California (UC-CDL):
· Ainsworth, Dorothy Sears. A history of physical education in colleges for women. NY: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1930. (HU-WW)
· Alexander, Christine. Greek athletics. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1925. (UC-EOS)
· Athletic sports for boys: a repository of graceful recreations for youth. NY: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1866. (MOA-UM)
· Behee, John Richard. Fielding Yost’s legacy to the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor: Dist by Uhlrich’s Books, 1971. (UM-DGC)
· Bull, William Perkins. From rattlesnake hunt to hockey: the history of sports in Canada and the sportsmen of Peel, 1798 to 1934. (Peel)

A listagem poderá eventualmente tornar-se redundante uma vez que projeto de digitalização Google Print está a caminho e em poucos anos se tornará mais abrangente que as coleções digitais dos projetos da Making of America.

Texto Integral de Periódicos Esportivos específicos e Artigos de Periódicos

A lista de livros digitalizados é seguida por uma seção que apresentam textos integrais de periódicos esportivos e uma amostra de artigos de periódicos relacionados ao esporte encontrados em periódicos generalistas do fim do século 19. Exemplos de acesso livre e gratuito::
American Golfer (1908-1920) (AAFLA)(Pub. 1908-1936)
Baseball Magazine (1908-1918) (AAFLA) (Pub.v1-81, 1908-1948)
The Century (1881-1899) (MOA-CU)
· Camp, Walter, College athletics, v46, no2, June 1893, p.204-211.
· Marquand, Allan. The old Olympic Games, v51, no6, Apr 1896, p. 803-816.
· De Coubertin, Pierre, The Olympic Games of 1896, v53, no1, Nov 1896, p. 39-54.
· Baillie-Grohman, W.A. Sports in the seventeenth century. v54, no3, July 1897, p 390-402.

A seção de arquivos atualizados da SSS está em andamento. São bem-vindos dados sobre registros de arquivos que deveriam ser incorporados em universidades ou escolas a fim de identificar os registros mais apropriados. Bons exemplos de bancos de dados que se tornaram mais abrangentes através desta participação são os da Universidade de Illinois e do Springfield College. Entre em contato com Gretchen Ghent,

2.2 Online Publishers, Publications and Documents

Recentemente foram identificados os seguintes documentos e publicações:

Fragua, Elizabeth
Lexique panafricain des sports = Pan-African glossary of sports…..
Ottawa: Translation Bureau, Terminology Standardization Directorate, 2005
ISBN 0662688414 Gratis, Text in English, French, Hausa, Lingala, Manden and Swahili.
In PDF format,

Great Britain
Joint working in sport and neighbourhood renewal
London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2004
In PDF format, gratis, (Research report, no. 9)

University of Maine
Sports done right: a call to action on behalf of Maine’s student athletes.
Orono, ME: University of Maine Sport and Coaching Institute, 2005
45p. PDF format, Freely available at


Esta lista foi compilada a partir de registros catalográficos da Library of Congress, British Library, National Library of Australia, National Library of Canada, OCLC’s WorldCat, outras listas reconhecidas e A seleção é feita tendo-se previamente em conta coleções especiais de bibliotecas esportivas e abrange uma grande diversidade de material sobre educação física, ciências sociais do esporte, administração esportiva e ciências do esporte. Registros de publicação (CIP) constam das referências quando a publicação estimada das obras é esperada dentro de poucos meses.

3.1 New and Forthcoming Books

Albert, Jim; Bennett, Jay & Cochran, James, eds.
Anthology of statistics in sports.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics &
Alexandria, Va: American Statistical Association; Section on Statistics in Sports, 2005
322p. ISBN 0898715873 $65 (ASA-SIAM series on statistics and applied probability)

Amis, John & Cornwell, T. Bettina, eds.
Global sport sponsorship
NY: Berg Publishers, 2005
256p ISBN 1845200810 $80 (Sport, commerce and culture)

Anderson, Eric
In the game: gay athletes and the cult of masculinity.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2005
208p. ISBN 0791465349 $63

Andreff, Wladimir & Szymanski, Stefan, eds.
Handbook on the economics of sport.
Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2005
848p ISBN 1843766086 $255

Andrews, David L; Mason, Daniel S. & Silk, Michael L., eds.
Qualitative methods in sports studies.
NY: Berg Publishers, 2005
128p. ISBN 1859737846 $29

Bairner, Alan
Sport and the Irish
Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2005
288p. ISBN 190455833X 19 GBP

Bass, Amy
In the game: race, identity, and sports in the twentieth century.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
288p. ISBN 1403965706

Batchelor, Bob
Basketball in America: from the playgrounds to Jordan’s game and beyond.
NY: Haworth Press, 2005
327p. ISBN 0789016125 $45

Bean, Dawn Pawson
Synchronized swimming: an American history
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co. 2005
312p. 0786419482 $50

Bodin, Dominique, Robene, Luc & Heas, Stephane.
Sport and violence in Europe
Strasbourg Cedex, France: Council of Europe Publishing, 2005
246p. ISBN 9287155119 $29 or EUR 19,

Bogaert, Stefaan Van den
Practical regulation of the mobility of sportsmen in the EU post ‘Bosman’
The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2005
429p. ISBN 904112327X $199 USD (European monographs, no. 48)

Bosch, Frans & Klomp, Ronald
Running: biomechanics and exercise physiology in practice.
Edinburgh/NY: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005
413p. ISBN 0443074410 28 GBP

Brunt, Stephen, ed
The way it looks from here: contemporary Canadian writing on sports.
Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2005
448p. ISBN 0676973523 $21 CAD

Brzycki, Matt, et al
The female athlete: reach for victory
Terre Haute, Ind.: Wish Publications, 2005
197p. ISBN 1930546726 $17 (Subj: Women athletes-training of)

Bundgaard, Axel
Muscle and manliness: the rise of sport in American boarding schools.
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2005
240p. ISBN 0815630824 $30 (Sports and entertainment)

Canseco, Jose
Juiced: wild times, rampant ‘roids, smash hits, and how baseball got big.
NY: Regan Books, 2005
290 p. ISBN 0060746408 $26

Champion, Walter T.
Sports law: cases, documents and materials
NY: Aspen Publishers, 2005
693p. ISBN 0735536597 $88

Coleman, Jim & Taylor, Jim, comp.
The best of Jim Coleman: fifty years of Canadian sport from the man who saw it all.
Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Pubs., 2005
ISBN 1550173596 $35 CAD

Cook, William A.
The Louisville Grays scandal of 1877: the taint of gambling at the dawn of the National League.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2005
237p. ISBN 0786421797 $30

Culley, Peter & Pascoe, John, eds.
Stadium engineering
London: Thomas Telford Ltd., 2005
186p. ISBN 072773217X 50 GBP

Darby, Paul; Johnes, Martin & Mellor, Gavin, eds.
Soccer and disaster
Abingdon: Routledge, 2005
193p. ISBN 0714653527 60 GBP (Subj: Soccer--accidents—case studies; Safety regulations)

Doll-Tepper, Gudrun; Pfister, Gertrude; Scoretz, Deena & Bilan, Christian, eds.
Sport, women & leadership: congress proceedings, Berlin, 2004.
Cologne: Sport und Buch Strauss, 2005
227p. ISBN 3890014054 5 EUR (Proceedings of the International Congress on Women, Sport and Leadership, Berlin : 9-11 Dec 2004) (Bundesinstitut fuer Sportwisseschaft, Bd 5, 2005). Available from BISp, Postfach 170148, Bonn, Germany 53027,

Dvorak, Jiri & Kirkendall, Donald T., eds.
International football sports medicine: caring for the soccer athlete worldwide.
Rosemont, Ill: American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 2005
310p. ISBN 0976438917 $45

Eastaway, Robert & Haigh, John.
How to take a penalty: the hidden maths of sport.
London: Robson Books, 2005
192p. ISBN 1861058365 13 GBP

Epley, Boyd
The path to athletic power: the model conditioning program for championship performance.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2004
319p. ISBN 0736047018 $22

Fekete, Michael
Strength training for seniors.
Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2005
ISBN 1552636607 $23 CAD

Gaughen, Shasta
Eating disorders
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004
154p. ISBN 0737716207 $35 (Has two essays on athletes and eating disorders)

Giardina, Michael D.
Sporting pedagogies: performing culture & identity in the global arena
NY: Peter Lang Publishing, 2005
205p. ISBN 0820471348 $33 (Counterpoints, v282)

Green, Mick & Houlihan
Elite sport development: policy learning and political priorities
London/NY: Routledge, 2005
219p. ISBN 041533182X $125

Griffin, Linda L. & Butler, Joy
Teaching games for understanding: theory, research and practice.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
238p. ISBN 0736045945 $23

Grundy, Pamela & Shackelford, Susan.
Shattering the glass: the remarkable history of women’s basketball.
NY: New Press, 2005
304p. ISBN 1565848225 $27

Gurock, Jeffrey S.
Judaism’s encounter with American sports.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005
248p. ISBN 0253347009 $30 (The modern Jewish experience)

Hackfort, Dieter; Duda, Joan L. & Lidor, Ronnie,
Handbook of research in applied sport and exercise psychology: international perspectives.
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 2005
456p. ISBN 188569348 $69

Haddon, Celia
The first ever English Olimpick games.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, c2004, 2005
192p. ISBN 0340862831 9GBP

Hines, James R.
Figure skating: a history.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press for the World Figure Skating Museum and Hall of Fame, 2005
456p. ISBN 0252072863 $30

Hubbard, M: Mehta, R.D. & Pallis, Jani Macari, eds
The engineering of sport 5:
proceedings of the International Conference on the Engineering of Sport
(5th: 2004: University of California, Davis).
2 vols (v1, 616p. & v2, 656p.) ISBN 0954786122,
Member price 99GBP or 129GBP, non-members
See their website for order form: and send order to:

Insight Information Inc
Sports management: cutting edge strategies for managing sports as a business.
Toronto: Insight Press, 2002.
265p ISBN 1550498843 $250 CAD, Pub addr: 214 King St. West, Suite 300, Toronto, Ont M5H 3S6 (Vol. contains papers from the Insight conference, Aug 19-20, 2002),

Kennedy, Carol A & Yoke, Mary M.
Methods of group exercise instruction
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
254p. + 1 DVD video ISBN 073604907X $60

King, C. Richard, ed.
Native athletes in sport and society.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2005
503p. ISBN 0803227531 $27

King, Helen, ed.
Health in antiquity.
London/NY: Routledge, 2005
292p ISBN 0415220653 $88

Kirwin, Bill, ed.
Out of the shadows: African American baseball from the Cuban Giants to Jackie Robinson.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2005
396p. ISBN 080327825X $18

Kraemer, William J & Rogol, Alan David, eds.
The endocrine system in sports and exercise.
Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishers, 2005
648p. ISBN 1405130172 $170 (The encyclopaedia of sports medicine, vol 11)

Lagae, Wim
Sports sponsorship and marketing communications: a European perspective.
Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2005
312p. ISBN 0273687069 32 GBP

Lavallee, David, et al, eds.
Coping and emotion in sport
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2004
285p. ISBN 1594540764 $79

Leonard, Richard
The administrative side of coaching: a handbook for applying business concept to coaching athletics.
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 2005
202p. ISBN 18855693540 $39

Levent, Nina Sobol
Healthy spirit in a healthy body: representations of the sports body in Soviet art of the 1920s and 1930s.
Frankfurt am Main/NY: Peter Lang, 2004
192p. ISBN 0820465755 $44

Lovatt, Helen
Statius and epic games: sport, politics and poetics in the Thebaid.
NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005
270p. ISBN 0521847427 $90 (Cambridge classical studies)

Lowrance, G. Newman et al
Digital sports photography
Boston, MA: Thomson (Publishers) Course Technology PTR, 2005
256p. ISBN 1592006485 $35

Lund, Jacalyn Lea & Tannehill, Deborah.
Standards-based physical education curriculum development
Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2005
250p. ISBN 0763747165 $43

Maguire, Joseph A.
Power and global sport: zones of prestige, emulation, and resistance.
Abingdon/NY: Routledge, 2005
256p. ISBN 0415252792 23 GBP

Majumdar, Boria & Mangan, J.A. eds.
Cricketing cultures in conflict: World Cup 2003
London/NY: Routledge (Frank Cass), 2004
302p. ISBN 0714655082 $115

Majumdar, Boria & Mangan, J.A. eds.
Sport in South Asian society: past and present.
London:” Routledge, 2005
368p. ISBN 0415359538 65GBP

Malcolm, Dominic & Waddington, Ivan, eds.
Matters of sport: essays in honour of Eric Dunning
London: Routledge, 2005
256p. ISBN 0415348331 65 GBP

Markula, Pirkko, ed.
Feminist sport studies: sharing experiences of joy and pain
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005
272p. ISBN 0791465292 $75 (SUNY series on sport, culture, and social relations)

Martin, Simon
Football and fascism: the national game under Mussolini.
Oxford/NY: Berg, 2004
282p. ISBN 1859737005 45 GBP

Mayes, Randall E.
The cybernetics of Kenyan running: hurry, hurry has no blessing.
Durham, NCC: Carolina Academic Press, 2005
248p. ISBN 1594600589 $25 (Subj: Running-social aspects-Kenya; Runners (Sports)-Kenya)

McCloskey, John & Bailes, Julian E.
When winning costs too much: steroids, supplements and scandal in today’s sports.
Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade Pub (Dist by National Book Network), 2005
344p. ISBN 1589791797 $26

Midura, Daniel W. & Glover, Donald R.
Essentials of team building: principles and practices.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
248p. ISBN 0736050884 $32

Miller, Stephen G.
Ancient Greek athletics
New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2004
304p. ISBN 0300100833 $35

Mooren, Frank & Völker, Klaus
Molecular and cellular exercise physiology
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
451p. ISBN 073604518X $89

Morris, Tony; Spittle, Michael & Watt, Anthony P.
Imagery in sport
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
400p. ISBN 0736037527 $65

Morrow, Don & Wamsley, Kevin B
Sport in Canada: a history.
Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2005
400p. ISBN 0195419960 $30 CAD

Murphy, Shane M.
The sport psych handbook.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
350p. ISBN 0736049045 $20

Myerson, Julie
Not a games person: on PE
London: Yellow Jersey, 2005
160 p. ISBN 0224073990 10 GBP (a narrative from a woman who did not like school sport)

National Federation of State High School Associations
Officiating football: NFHS officials education program.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
160p. ISBN 0736047581 $16 (American Sport Education Program)

Nesti, Mark.
Existential psychology and sport: theory and application
London/NY: Routledge, 2004
142p. ISBN 0415281423 $105

Nicholson, Nigel James.
Athletics and aristocracy in archaic and classical Greece.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005
296p. ISBN 052184522X 45 GBP

O’Brien, David P.
Managing legal issues in college athletics: proactive strategies for administrators.
Horsham, PA: LRP Publications, 2004
152p. ISBN 157834042X $38 Pub web:

O’Connor, Francis G.
Sports medicine: examination & board review.
NY; McGraw-Hill Medical Pub, 2005
280p. ISBN 0071421521 $55

Pearson, Alan
SAQ juniors: developing good movement skills for 4-11 year olds.
London: A & C. Black, 2005.
160p. ISBN 071367041X 13 GBP

Pearson, Alan
SAQ youth: movement performance in sport and games for 12-18 year olds
London: A & C. Black, 2005.
160p. ISBN 0713670428 13 GBP

Penney, Dawn
Sport education in physical education: research based practice.
London/NY: Routledge, 2005
216p. ISBN 041528967X $39

Purtilo, Ruth B.; Jensen, Gail M. & Royeen, Charlotte Brasic
Educating for moral action: a sourcebook in health and rehabilitation ethics.
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 2005
192p. ISBN 0803612613 $69 (Subj: Physical therapy; bioethics; Medial ethics)

Reynaud, Cecile, ed.
She can coach!
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
269p. ISBN 0736052321 $20

Ryan, Greg, ed.
Tackling rugby myths: rugby and New Zealand society, 1854-2004.
Dunedin, NZ: University of Otago Press, 2005
247p. ISBN 1877276979 $39 USD

Sandler, David
Sports power
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
243p. ISBN 073605121X $19

Sarris, Nikos & Strintzis, Michael G.
3D modeling and animation: synthesis and analysis techniques for the human body.
Hershey, PA: IRM Press, 2005
395p. ISBN 1931777985 $80 (Also available as an e-book from Information Resource Management Association) Pub web:

Schaaf, Phil
Sports, Inc.: 100 years of sports business, event evolution.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2004
394p. ISBN 159102112X $25

Seddon, Peter J.
Football talk: the language & folklore of the world’s greatest game.
London: Robson, 2004
320p. ISBN 1861056834 13 GBP

Seebohar, Bob
Nutrition periodization for endurance athletes: taking traditional sports nutrition to the next level.
Palo Alto, Calif: Bull Publishing, 2005
160p. ISBN 0923521836 $13

Semenza, Gregory M.C.
Sport, politics, and literature in the English Renaissance.
Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2004
240p. ISBN 0874138442 $50

Siekmann, Robert C.R. & Soek, Janwillem, eds.
The European Union and sport: legal and policy documents
The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2005
921p. ISBN 9067041947 140 EUR

Silk, Michael L.: Andrews, David L. & Cole, C.L., eds
Sport and corporate nationalisms.
Oxford/NY: Berg, 2005
292p. ISBN 1859737994 $26 pap. (Sport, commerce and culture)

Simon, Rita James
Sporting equality: Title IX thirty years later.
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2005
176p. ISBN 076580848X $25

Sims, Brian
Sports sponsorship: getting your share
Richmond, Surrey, UK: Hazleton Publishing, 2005
124p. ISBN 1903135478 15 GBP

Skinner, James and Edwards, Allan.
The sport empire
Aachen, Germany: Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2005
200p. ISBN 1841261688 13 GBP (The business of sport, vol. 1)

Stewart, Bob et al
Australian sport—better by design?: the evolution of Australian sport policy
London/NY: Routledge, 2004
208p. ISBN 0415340462 $123

Suggs, Welch.
A place on the team: the triumph and tragedy of Title IX.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005
288p. ISBN 0691117691 $28

Supovitz, Frank
The sports event management and marketing playbook.
Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons, 2005
478p. ISBN 071460079 $60

Szymanski, Stefan & Zimbalist, Andrew S.
National pastime: how Americans play baseball and the rest of the world plays soccer.
Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2005
263p. ISBN 0815782586 $25

Taylor, Matthew
The leaguers: the making of professional football in England, 1900-1939.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005
288p. ISBN 0853236399 15 GBP (Subj: Soccer-England-History)

Teitelbaum, Stanley H.
Sports heroes, fallen idols
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2005
296p. ISBN 0803244452 $30 (Subj: Sports-Social aspects-US-Case studies)

Thompson, Hunter S.
Hey Rube: blood sport, the Bush doctrine, and the downward spiral of dumbness: modern history from the sports desk.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 2004
246p. ISBN 0684873192 $23

Tomlinson, Alan
Sport and leisure cultures
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005
320p. ISBN 0816633827 l$75 (Sport and culture series, v.6)

Torr, James D.
Sports and athletes: opposing viewpoints
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2005
188p. ISBN 0737722444 $35 (Opposing viewpoints series)

Vealey, Robin S.
Coaching for the inner edge.
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 2005
407p. ISBN 1885693591 $59

Wong, John
The lords of the rinks: the emergence of the National Hockey League, 1875-1936.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005
330p. ISBN 0802037259 $30 USD

Wushanley, Ying
Playing nice and losing: the struggle for control of women’s intercollegiate athletics, 1960-2000.
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2004.
225p. ISBN 081563045X $25 (Sports and entertainment)

Young, Iris Marion
On female body experience: “throwing like a girl” and other essays
NY: Oxford University Press, 2005
177p. ISBN 0195161920 $65 (Studies in feminist philosophy)

Ziemer, Gregor Athalwin
A daredevil & two boards
Madison, Wisc: Hunter Halverson Press, 2005
222p. ISBN 097441431X $16 (Cover subtitle: Ralph Samuelson, the Lake Pepin pioneer who invented water skiing) Pub website:

Zirin, Dave.
What’s my name, fool?: sports and resistance in the United States.
Chaicago, Ill: Haymarket Books, 2005
304p. ISBN 1931859205 $15 Pub website:

3.2 New Editions and Reprints

Heymsfield, Steven
Human body composition, 2nd ed.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
523p. ISBN 0736046550 $68

Leeds, Michael & Von Allmen, Peter
The economics of sports, 2nd ed
Boston: Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2005
475p. ISBN 0321237749 $107 (Addison-Wesley series in economics)

McGreevy-Nichols, Susan; Scheff, Helene & Sprague, Marty.
Building dances, 2nd ed
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
162p. plus 123 cards, ISBN 0736050892 $30

Metzler, Michael W.
Instructional models for physical education, 2nd ed
Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway Publishers, 2005
494p. ISBN 1890871583 $49

National Association for Sport and Physical Education
Physical Best activity guide: middle and high school levels, 2nd ed
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
199p. plus one CD-ROM, ISBN 0736048057 $29 (Physical Best program)

National Association for Sport and Physical Education
Physical Best activity guide: elementary level, 2nd ed
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
193p. plus one CD-ROM, ISBN 0736048030 $29 (Physical Best program)

Reese, Nancy Berryman
Muscle and sensory testing, 2nd ed
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders, 2005
656p. ISBN 0721603378 $59

Rowland, Thomas W.
Children’s exercise physiology, 2nd ed
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
297p. ISBN 0736051449 $59

Schrader, Constance A.
A sense of dance: exploring your movement potential, 2nd ed.
Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, 2005
206p. ISBN 0736051899 $24

Skinner, James S., ed.
Exercise testing and exercise prescription for special cases: theoretical basis and clinical application, 3rd ed.
Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005
480p. ISBN 0781741130 $65

Stotlar, David K.
Developing successful sport marketing plans, 2nd ed
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 2005
137p. ISBN 1885693575 $29

3.3 Olympiana

Brianas, Jason John.
NATO, Greece and the 2004 Summer Olympics.
Monterey, Calif: Naval Postgraduate School, 2004
83p. (Thesis), Avail: National Technical Information Service, (NTIS order no. ADA429691, $9 to download a copy, $14 microfiche, $34 paper format.

Matthews, George R.
America’s first Olympics: the St. Louis games of 1904.
Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005
242p. ISBN 0826215882 $30

3.4 Reference Works

Allen, Mary Beth
Sports, exercise, and fitness: a guide to reference and information sources.
Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2005
287p. ISBN 1563088193 $68

Collins, Tony; Martin, John & Vamplew, Wray, eds.
Encyclopedia of traditional British rural sports.
London/NY: Routledge, 2005
320p. ISBN 041535224X 80 GBP or $140 USD (Sports reference series)

Levinson, David & Christensen, Karen, eds.
Berkshire encyclopedia of world sport.
Great Barrington, Mass: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2005
4 vols, ISBN 0974309117 $475
Editorial Board: Edward Beuchamp, Jay Coakley, Allen Guttmann, Leslie Heywood, Gertrud Pfister, Roland Renson, Allen Sack, Thierry Terret, Wayne Wilson.

3.5 Local Interest

Bingaman, Sandra
For the love of the game: tennis in Saskatchewan.
Regina: Tennis Saskatchewan, 2003
ISBN 097333570X $10 CAD (Avail from the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, 2205 Victoria Ave, Regina, SK S4P 0S4, )

Chaput, John.
Saskatchewan sports legends: 100 years of sports excellence.
Calgary: Johnson Gorman Publishers for the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, 2004
336p. ISBN 0921835728 $38 CAD

Gallacci, Caroline Denyer et al.
Playgrounds to the pros: an illustrated history of sports in Tacoma-Pierce County
Tacoma, Wash: Tacoma Athletic Commission, Dist by University of Washington Press, 2005
512p. ISBN 0295984775 $40

Hoffbeck, Steven R.
Swinging for the fences: Black baseball in Minnesota.
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2005
243p. ISBN 087351517X $30 Pub addr: MHSP, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55102-1906,

James, Carl
Race in play: understanding the socio-cultural worlds of student athletes.
Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2005
244p. ISBN 155130273X $35 USD or 43 CAD, (Subj: High school athletes-Ontario-Toronto)

Roberts, Randy, ed.
The rock, the curse, and the hub: a random history of Boston sports.
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2005
422p. ISBN 0674015045 $25

3.6 Biography

Bergmann, Gretel
By leaps and bounds
Washington, DC: US Holocaust Memorial Museum; Holocaust Survivors’ Memoirs Project, 2005
207p. ISBN 0896041662 $?, (Subj: Jewish athletes-Germany-biography)
Order through Museum Shop, 100 Raoul Wallenburg Place. SW, Washington, D.C. 20024, Tel: 1-800-259-9998 (Museum Shop website under construction)

Borelli, Stephen.
How about that!: the life of Mel Allen
Campaign, IL: Sports Pub., LCC, 2005
257p. ISBN 1582617333 $25 (Subj: Sportscasters-US-Biog)

Howard, Johnette
The rivals: Chris Evert vs. Martina Navratilova: their rivalry, their friendship, their legacy.
London: Yellow Jersey Press, 2005,
320p. ISBN 0224075055 18 GBP

O’Connor, Ian
The jump: Sebastian Telfair and the high stakes business of high school ball.
Emmaus, Penn: Rodale, 2005
320p. ISBN 1594861072 $24 (Subj: Basketball players-US-Biog)

Reynolds, Bill
Cousy: his life, career, and the birth of big-time basketball.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 2005
307p. ISBN 0743254767 $25

Schaap, Jeremy
Cinderella man: James J. Braddock, Max Baer, and the greatest upset in boxing history.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005
324p ISBN 0618551174 $24

3.7 Serials

Novos Títulos

Journal of contemporary athletics
V1, no1, 2004-, Quarterly
ISSN 1554-9933 $165
James H. Humphrey, editor
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers,

International studies in sport
2001 to date, annual
Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Editions CIES (Centre international d’étude du sport)
From the Program, International Masters in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport
Pub. website:
Available volumes:
2001/2002, Ed. by Juvet, J.-L and Ingle, S., 169p. 25 CHF (Pub. 2004)
2000/2001, Ed. by P. Lanfranchi & Th.Probst, 155p. 25 CHF (Pub 2003)

Títulos Modificados

College athletics and the law
V1, no. 1, April 2004-, Monthly
ISSN 1552-8774, $198
Formerly: Title IX compliance bulletin for college athletics, v1, 1999 - v5, 2003
Horsham, PA: LRP Publications,

3.8 Edições Especiais de Periódicos

ASHE higher education report, v30, no5, 2005
Estler, Suzanne E. & Nelson, Laurie Jan.
Who calls the shots!: sports and university leadership, culture, and decision making.
125p. ISBN 0787980765 ISSN 1551-6970 $26
San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey Bass for the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C.

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NASLINE (Edição Online), Boletim da North American Sport Library Network é publicado 2 vezes por ano (Fevereiro e Setembro) e é editado por Gretchen Ghent, Chair, NASLIN, c/o The University of Calgary Law Library, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 Tel: 403-220-6097 FAX: 403-282-6837 E-Mail: gghent@ucalgary.caNASLINE: Boletim da North American Sport Library Network (ISSN 1195-7808) publicado em papel entre 1993 e 1997.Este boletim está disponível em formato integral dos números 5 e seguintes no Sport Information Resource Centre’s (SIRC): Portal na Internet: endereço dos Scholarly Sport Sites: Diretório:

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