

The results of research in our country for the last twenty years, especially those which tested student’s mobility were unsatisfactory and pointed to impossibility of P.E. to exert influence on student’s development neither by its content nor by its intensity [1]. Different sport activities exist in P.E. instruction and the solutions for the better results should be searched in anticipation of alternate program with accent only one sport. In that way, we come to those programs which will give the best results in development the student’s mobility. The research basic problem is the following of alternate programme effects which contains sport gymnastics exercises in duration of one school year.


The research included 240 students of both sexes from the seventh grade of elementary schools in the city of Nis were divided into two groups: experimental and control group. The experimental group was made of 120 students (M-60; F-60) and they were practicing according to planning instruction where the sport gymnastics had the primary part. The control group of 120 students (M-60; F-60) was practicing according to official instructional plan and program for P.E. of the Republic of Serbia [2]. We followed the mobility with the help of 12 tests which covered mechanisms for structuring movement, tonus and synergetic regulation, the intensity of excitation and the duration of the excitation.
We used following multivariate procedures in the research: multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), multivariate analysis of covariance (MANOCOVA) discriminative analysis, profile analysis; and following univariant procedures: analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANOCOVA), students T-test and confidence interval based on the difference of corrected average values [3].


According to observed mobile abilities, the research results showed important statistical differences between groups. The experimental group had better results than control group and the results were the same for the female students.


Considering the sport gymnastics features, we can say that the results were expected [4].
All of this lead to conclusion that suggested alternate program could be considered as decisive factor of transformational process with positive influence on development of mobility in wanted direction.
Results also point that the program is adequate and acceptable for tested age group, which recommends it for practical use. It should find its place in the future plans and programs of P.E. and it also implies series of further research which would give us the answers for its efficiency, when we talk about other ages and about its application in duration longer then a year.


[1]. Bokan, B., Radisavljevic, S. (1995): Fizicko vaspitanje u magistarskim i doktorskim radovima. Knjiga 1, Beograd.
[2]. Sluzbeni glasnik SR Srbije (1990): Prosvetni glasnik. br 5.
[3]. Srivastvara, M. S., Carter, E. M. (1983): An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Staistics. North Holland.
[4]. Grupa autora. (1994): Sportska gimnastika II deo - tehnika I metodika. Beograd.
[5]. Budja, P. (1981): Akrobatika. NIPRO Partizan,Beograd.