
The present investigation has verified the self-image scale reliability when it is applied to physically handicapped
swimming practitioners in three different levels of performance. It consisted in a descriptive study, of qualitative nature,
in which the Self Image Scale (SIS) - originally elaborated by Singelis in 1994 and adapted by Coelho et al. (2000) -
was used as data collecting instrument. 24 items to measure the set of thoughts, feelings and actions that compose
independent and interdependent self-images compose the Self Image Scale. Independent self-image emphasizes inner
qualities and the interdependent emphasizes outer issues indicating one’s relation with the living social context.

24 congenital and/or acquired physical handicapped people who participated in this study were divided in three groups:
Initiation (28,33 years old average); Pre-Training (31,22 years old average) and Training (29,66 years old average).
Cronbach alpha was used for statistical calculation.


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Initiation group featured significative Alpha values for all questions that refer to independent self image; questions
which has observed human being as unique and separated from the social context. That occurred likely due to the fact
the group was novice in practice, what could indicate introspective characteristics and little social integration. For
interdependent self-image assertions, which emphasize outer issues, i. e., one’s relation with the living social context,
Training group featured significative results for all questions. It suggests a worthy self-image that could come from
swimming practice and from athletes’ mingling with other groups’ athletes in competition situation, resulting in greater
social integration. Therefore, we can suggest that Self Image Scale could be indicated, in general, as a reliable
instrument to evaluate physically handicapped people’s perception.

[1]. Coelho, J.A.P.M et. al., (2000). Anais do V Encontro Mineiro de Avaliação Psicológica:Teorização e Prática.132-
2]. Mello, M.T. et al., (1996). Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Atividade Motora Adaptada. 01, 25-28.
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[4]. Thomas, J. R. & Nelson, J. K. (2002). Métodos de pesquisa em atividade física. Porto Alegre, Artmed.

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