

The dimension of Physical Education School allows us to use different pedagogical proposes to develop its contents [1], aiming to reach its objectives facing the educational goals. Among several approaches, the construtive proposal has often been the target of discussions as well as reflexion, among scholars in the educational field [2], [3], [4], for it has shown an important alternative for our current society. However, literature concerning this subject still needs new publications with evidences which support a more concrete and current use of this approach, concerning its comprehension and applicability from docents.


The objetive of the present study is to verify the possibilitives and limits of the construtive approach in addition to analysing the pedagogical practice from the Physical Educators. Methods
Based on this objective two private schools were selected the only criterion adapted was making sure that these two schools had as their pedagogical practice the construtive proposal. In both institutions, ten classes from two physical educators were observed, and after, semi-structured interviews werw applied to these professionals. Composed of eight open questions, they were qualitatively analysed.


The results showed that teacher one whose adhesion to the pedagogical pratice was imposed by the institution did not show efficiency, while teacher two, a constructive pratitioner, by own choice, showed control and flow, according to the propose of the constructive approach in the Physical Education School.
This way we can conclude that the adherence and effective applicability of the pedagogical practice used by the teacher [ 5 ] has, among other factor, as the main one the self option.


[1] AZENHA, A. C. (1989). Uma visão teórica de currículo: Definições, abordagem histórica e modelos específicos em Educação Física. Revista Paulista, Vol. 3, Nº 5 p.45- 50,
[2] ARANTES, A. C. (1995). Educação Física escolar: temos o que ensinar? Revista Paulista de Educação Física. supl. n. 1, p. 25-26,.
[3] BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. (1997). Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: Educação Física/Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Brasilipi: MEC/SEF.
[4] FREIRE, J. B. (1989). Educação de Corpo Inteiro: teoria e prática da Educação Física Campinas, Editora Scipione.
[5] COLL, C. (2002). Aprendizagem Escolar e Construção do conhecimento. Artmed Editora.