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Top 10 Issues in Adapted Physical Education: A Pilot Study - How Far Have We Come

Vol. 27 - No. 3 : 2013
Terry L. Rizzo
Department of Kinesiology, California State University, San Bernardino

This study identified key issues in adapted physical education (APE). A Nominal Group Technique (NGT) was used to identify issues.  Two means of identifying issues were used.  First, of about 120 participants attending the 38th National Adapted Physical Education Conference in California those that attended one session (n = 35) specifically designed, as stated in the conference program, to identify the top 10 issues associated with adapted physical  APE. Second, using a hybrid version of the NGT an E-survey was sent to 125 International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA) members asking members to identify issues associated with APE.  Of the125 IFAPA members, 31 (25%) responded to the E-survey. Of the 31 participants 28 (90%) were from the United States.  In total, of the 66 people participating in this study 63 (95%) people were from the United States.  All participants were professional people associated in some way with physical education and students with disabilities.  Based on the analyses of the data, the top 10 issues that were identified (in rank order) were: effective teaching behaviors, inclusion, assessment, collaboration, transition, response to intervention, certification, leadership, behavior management, and evidence based teaching.  

FONTE: http://www.palaestra.com/



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