
Estamos sempre saudando os serviços de divulgação científica, e o HypeScience de Curitiba tem sido um dos mais elogiados. O HypeScience acaba de publicar, com boa ilustração,  21 fatos científicos que irão motivá-lo a se exercitar: http://hypescience.com/21-fatos-cientificos-que-irao-motiva-lo-se-exercitar/

No artigo da HypeScience tem entrada para o TechInsider, que cita os trabalhos que dão suporte a cada um dos 21 ítens. A base provável dos trabalhos pode estar no ESJ:

European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.2 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


Waqar Al-Kubaisy, PhD, Mariam Mohamad, MPH, Zaliha Ismail, MPH, Nik Nairan Abdullah, MPH, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar, PhD candidate, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Faculty of Medicine, Malaysia  


Engagement in physical exercise differs with different socio demographic status. Females exhibit lower levels of physical exercise performance, it seems that their motivation to exercise is differ. Various types of motivation that influence exercise performance regularly were recognized.This study aims to determine the relationship between 21 motivating reasons and sociodemographic factors, concentrating more on the gender difference. Method: A study was conducted on 501 adults performing exercise. Participants were interviewed using a questionnaire comprises of 21 motivating reasons. Each reason was measured on a fivepoint scale as, strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The sum, and mean score of all the 21 reasons was used as the dependent variable versus each socio-demographic factor. The mean score of each item was used as the dependent variable versus gender. Results: Significant inverse correlations were detected between motivating reasons score with; age (r=-0.122, p=0.007), BMI (r=-0.091, p=0.042), and household income (r=-0.095, p=0.036). Unmarried or free of chronic diseases respondents showed, significantly higher motivating mean score (p=0.032, 0.010 respectively). No significant difference in the mean score with level of education and gender.However, males showed significantly higher means score in two motivating reasons to; have a positive effect on the sex life (4.18±1.01, p<0.001), have more energy to go about the daily chores (4.62± .63, p=0.027). No significant gender difference in the mean score for other motivating reasons. Conclusion: young, unmarried, lower income, lower BMI and no chronic illness individuals have higher motivating reasons. Both genders were almost equally motivated in performing exercises.

Keywords: Gender, Motivating reasons, Physical exercises, Sociodemographic factor

Fonte com texto completo:  http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/article/viewFile/5766/5561


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