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CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS, Journal of Physical Education and Sport

mission and scope
Mission - JPES is an electronic journal aims to present easy access to the scientific knowledge for sport SCIENCE
- JPES is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The journal provides open access to its content - all published articles are accessible in PDF  format free of charge

Scope - The main objective of JPES is to reunite specialists from different fields, such as sport, physical activity, kinesiology, education, health and nutrition, in order to provide the opportunity of multidisciplinary debates and comprehensive understanding of how physical activity influences human life. Researchers from areas related to sport and health will be invited to publish their newest gathered information and its practical applicability.The target group involves specialists from different fields, such as: academic researchers, kinesitherapists, Physical Education and sport teachers, physicians in sports medicine, psychologists, nutritionists, coaches or any other specialists related to the sport domain.

JPES try to be a stimulus and a dissemination instrument of the research activity of Romanian and foring  investigators. The aim of JPES is to publish articles in: natural sciences of sport; social and behavioral sciences and humanities; sport management; sports medicine; sport pedagogy and sport itself. The Journal also aims to facilitate and enhance communication across all sub-disciplines of the sport sciences. The journal awaits original papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications containing new insight into any aspect of Sport sciences that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The JPES covers all aspects of Physical Education and Sport

*    Adapted Physical Activity
*    Biomechanics
*    Combat Sports and Martial Arts
*    Comparative PE and Sport
*    Coaching Science
*    Games
*    Individual Sports
*    Kinanthropometry
*    Kinesiology
*    Military sports
*    Motor Learning and Control
*    Neuromotor Psychology
*    Philosophy of Sport
*    Political Science of Sport
*    Sociology of Sport
*    Sport and Exercise Physiology
*    Sport and Exercise Psychology
*    Sport Facilities
*    Sport for All
*    Sport History
*    Sport Information
*    Sport Management
*    Sport Pedagogy
*    Sports Law
*    Sports Medicine


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