Cevnautas dos Estudos Olímpicos,

Quem pode adotar - com crédito - a tradução do resumo do artigo do EPER? (basta colar aqui). Laércio

European Physical Education Review 1356336X15623169 , first published on January 6, 2016   

Has the London 2012 Olympic Inspire programme inspired a generation? A realist view   

Vassil Girginov Department of Life Sciences, Brunel University, UK; Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa  2016  

The organisers of the 2012 London Olympics have endeavoured explicitly to use the Games to inspire a generation. This is nothing short of putting the main claim of Olympism to the test, but surprisingly the Inspire project has received virtually no scholarly scrutiny. Using an educationally- iformed view of inspiration, this paper interrogates the official evaluations of the London 2012. Inspire programme from a realist evaluation perspective and asks what are the theory, mechanisms and outcomes of therogramme. It also considers the relationship between evidence, research and policy making in the context of the Olympic Games as an educational project. It is contended that the official evaluations of the Inspire programme failed to provide answers to the key questions of why, how and under what conditions the programme effects have occurred and for whom. In this way they further perpetuate the mythical powers of the Olympics to change young people’s behaviour through sport on the basis of highly problematic evidence.  

Keywords. Evidence, inspiration, London 2012, Olympic Games, programme, realist evaluation, young people    

FONTE: http://epe.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/12/31/1356336X15623169.full.pdf+html 



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