Cevnautas, daqui a trinta anos o mundo já acabou, conforme as previsões astrológicas que alguns dos nossos administradores do esporte utilizam, némesmo? No endereço do fim da nota tem o vídeo explicando o woekshop da Comissão Australiana.´Bronas e muxoxos pra cá. laercio

Mapping future mega-trends in Australian sport
Australian Sports Commission Chief Executive Officer Simon Hollingsworth addressing sport leaders and experts at the Future of Sport workshop.
21 Feb 2012

The Australian Sports Commission (ASC), as part of the ‘The Future of Australian Sport’ research study hosted a national workshop recently in Canberra to identify and discuss the major trends likely to impact Australian sport over the next 30 years.

‘The Future of Australian Sport’ research project — is a joint initiative between the ASC and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

The workshop brought together leaders and experts within the sport, Government and research sectors. They included representatives from National and State Sporting Organisations, State Institutes and Academies of Sport, State Departments of Sport and Recreation and Commonwealth agencies along with a number of universities.

ASC CEO Simon Hollingsworth opened the workshop speaking about the importance of building strategic partnerships and working in collaboration with the sport and university sectors and organisations like the CSIRO.

ASC Deputy General Manager of Research and Innovation, Paul Fairweather, said the workshop was successful in helping to identify mega-trends, which are vital to the future planning of Australian sport.

‘Identifying the emergence of new trends in lifestyles, social values, technology and competitive advantage and understanding their impact is vital if we wish to plan for the future success of sport in Australia.’

A second high performance focused workshop is planned. The key findings from the study are expected to be released in May.

FONTE: http://www.ausport.gov.au/news/asc_news/story_475340_mapping_future_mega-trends_in_australian_sport


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