Cevnautas da Gestão,

Ancorada explicitamente nos megaeventos esportivos no Brasil a editora Routledje está anunciando o lançamento de:

Sport in Latin America. Policy, Organization, Management
Edited by Gonzalo Bravo, Rosa Lopez de D'Amico, Charles Parrish
© 2016 – Routledge  296 pages

Cevnautas nos capítulos:

1. Sport in Latin America: Prospects and Challenges (Gonzalo Bravo & Charles Parrish)

Part 1: Concepts, Issues and Analytical Framework

2. Sport Policy as a Tool for Developing Countries (Marc Keech)
3. Comparative Sport Policy: Issues and Controversies (Barrie Houlihan)
4. Latin American Women and Leadership in Sport (Rosa López de D'Amico)

Part 2: Government and Sport Policy
5. Sport Policy and Political Regimes in Latin America (April Yoder)
6. Public Sector and Sport Development in Brazil (Claudio Rocha)
7. Sport Policy in Cuba (Geralyn Pye & Paula Pettavino)
8. Sport for Human Development, Coexistence, and Peace: Analyzing Colombia’s Ten-year plan (Victor Alonso Molina Bedoya & Jose Fernando Tabares Fernandez)
9. Amateur Sport in Costa Rica (José Moncada Jiménez, Brian Crow & Priscila Alfaro-Barrantes)

Part 3: Governance and Events
10. Labor Migration, International Politics, and the Governance of Latin American Sport(Thomas F. Carter)
11. Baseball in the Dominican Republic: Who Owns the Sport? (April Yoder)
12. The Management of the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation: Promoting the 'Volleyball Brand' (Bárbara Schausteck de Almeida, Juliana Vlastuin & Wanderley Marchi Júnior)
13. Multisport Games in South America (Jorge Silva Bórquez & Sivana Gonzalez Mesina)
14. The Wonders of the Wonderful City: Social Impacts and Legacies of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro (Marcela Hofman-Mourão & Claudio Rocha)

Part 4: Management and Business Development of Football
15. The Brazilian State and its Involvement with the Football Industry (Fernando Marinho Mezzadri, Ana Paula Cabral Bonin Maoski & Eliza Lins Donha)
16. Football in Argentina and its Institutions, 1980-2014: Changes and Traditions (Julio D. Frydenberg, Florencia Dezotti & Sebastián Carrano)
17. Football in Peru: Economic and Governance Perspectives (Luis Pizzaro Aranguren & Renato Gambetta Podesta)
18. The Long and Winding Road of the Football Industry in Chile (Sebastian Soria & Andres Maldonado)
19. Business Development Strategies among Football Clubs in Argentina (Charles Parrish, Shawn Lee & Jiho Kim)

A explicação

The forthcoming Olympics in Rio in 2016, and the FIFA World Cup in Brazil in 2014, highlight the profound importance of sport in Latin America. This book is the first to offer a broad survey of the way that sport is managed, governed and organized across the Latin American region, drawing on cutting-edge contemporary scholarship in management, policy, sociology and history.

The book explores key themes in Latin American sport, including the role of public institutions; the relationship between sport policy and political regimes; the structure and significance of national governing bodies and professional leagues; the impact of sporting mega-events (including the Olympics and World Cup), and the management and governance of football, the dominant sport in the region. Including contributions from Latin American scholars and practitioners, the book draws on important Spanish and Portuguese sources that are unknown to most English-speaking researchers, and therefore provides an unprecedented and authoritative insight into sport policy and management in the region. Including cases from sport in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Peru and examples from Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, this book is essential reading for all scholars, practitioners and policy-makers with an interest in Latin American sport, comparative sport policy, sport management, or Latin American history, culture and society.

FONTE: https://www.routledge.com/products/9780415745895



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