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Sport Law & Strategy Group Newsletter vol 8(1)

Our quarterly newsletter has brought you important content in the following areas: legal updates, new legislation and case law, governance tips, risk management and values management practices, social media, communications strategies, as well as all kinds of other planning and strategic advice. We published our last newsletter in November 2011.

This edition of our newsletter highlights additional updates about the federal Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (which affects all NSOs and MSOs) and explains why Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs) should be paying attention to the changes at the national level. The provincial Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act is also on the way and British Columbia has started a review of its Societies Act. Not sure what these NFP Acts are all about? Check out our website:  Federal ActOntario ActBC Act

We send our newsletter every three or four months.  The content will include summaries and links to new material we post on our website - plus updates on current events and other news.  You can also join our Facebook page and get immediate updates.  If you don’t want to receive the newsletter - no problem - just choose to unsubscribe at the bottom of this message...


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