Cevnautas das Leis, desculpe a duplicação quem já assina. Laercio

Sport Law & Strategy Group Newsletter vol 8(2)

Our quarterly newsletter has brought you important content in the following areas: legal updates, new legislation and case law, governance tips, risk management and values management practices, social media, communications strategies, as well as all kinds of other planning and strategic advice. We published our last newsletter in March 2012.

This edition of our newsletter features a detailed primer for National Sport Organizations (NSOs) about managing the inevitable disputes and appeals leading up to the Olympic Games in London. Other new posts have information about defamation, organizational development, and how to be a high performing sport organization. We have also posted two 'snapshots' of NSOs - voting structures and membership fees - which NSOs can use to guide some of their governance changes to comply with the federal Not-For-Profit Corporations Act. The Act still looms large over Canadian sport - check out the sections of our website:  Federal Act.  Ontario Act.  BC Act.

FONTE: http://migre.me/9sxO9


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