Cevnautas, vamos mandar trabalhos para publicação?

de:    J Andrew Ross <jaross@uoguelph.ca>
para    SPORTMGT@listserv.unb.ca
data    28 de maio de 2010 22:27
assunto    CFP: Special issue on Marketing Sport through the Ages in the Journal of Historical Research in Marketing

Journal of Historical Research in Marketing

Special issue on Marketing Sport through the Ages

The Journal of Historical Research in Marketing invites submissions for a special issue focused on the history of sport marketing. For this special issue of JHRM we particularly welcome manuscripts from scholars who address topics focused on the historical experience of sport marketing (and marketers) in local, national, regional and global contexts, including but not limited to:

      Historical perspectives on sport marketing (e.g. theory, historiography)
      Unique challenges presented by the nature of sport, game, and leisure products marketing
      Periodization in sport marketing
      How sport marketing helped shape, or was shaped by, marketing strategies in other industrial sectors
      Comparative histories – e.g. the marketing of Olympic vs. local sports, or amateur vs. professional sports
      Sport marketing education and the professionalization of sport marketing
      Histories of product innovation and development (e.g. the DH in baseball)
      Using history and heritage to market sports
      Marketing sports across cultural, economic and political boundaries
      The creation of national and international sports markets
      Evolution of marketing strategies and tactics, successful and not (e.g. athlete endorsements, advertising campaigns)
      Developments in market segmentation (e.g. gender, age, ethnicity, race)
      The influence of media transformations

The submission deadline for this special issue is 30 January 2012 with an expected publication date of November 2012.  If you are unsure of the suitability of your topic, please contact the special issue Guest Editors:

J. Andrew Ross, University of Guelph
E-mail: jaross@uoguelph.ca or

Stephen Hardy, University of New Hampshire
E-mail: stephen.hardy@unh.edu

Submission procedures
Submissions for this special issue of JHRM may be sent electronically in either PDF format or MS Word as an e-mail attachment to either Guest Editor J. Andrew Ross (at the e-mail address indicated above) or the JHRM Editor: Professor D.G. Brian Jones, School of Business, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, USA
E-mail: bjones1@quinnipiac.edu
Please include the phrase "JHRM Submission" in your e-mail subject line. Title the submission file attached with the lead author’s surname.
Full submission guidelines can be found at the JHRM web page: www.emeraldinsight.com/jhrm.htm


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