Cevnautas da Mídia,

Boa oportunidade para conhecer cursos pelo mundo e divilgar cursos e programas de pós-graduação em midia e esporte. Laercio

Study programs in Communication and Sport
Licen, Simon simon.licen@wsu.edu por  listserv.unb.ca

Dear colleagues,

The International Association for Communication and Sport is compiling a catalog of academic programs in communication and sport.

We aspire at cataloging tertiary-level study programs (ranging from “minors” or areas of concentration to doctoral programs) specific to communication and sport. These might include programs in “Sport Communication,” “Sports Journalism,” “Rhetoric in Sport,” etc.  Sports-themed programs not grounded in communication studies (e.g., Kinesiology, Sport Marketing, etc.) will not be included on the list. Entries acknowledging individual courses (rather than full programs) will also be excluded.

If your institution offers several relevant programs under different names, please fill out separate surveys for each program.

The list will be global and we welcome entries from programs not delivered in the English language. Please use the “Additional comments” section to provide specifics.

Please access the survey here: http://www.1ka.si/a/60087.  It should not take more than a few minutes to complete.  The list will eventually be published on the association’s website, http://www.communicationandsport.com/.

Thank you for your participation, and apologies for cross-posting!

Kind regards,


Simon Ličen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership, Sport Studies
and Educational/Counseling Psychology
Washington State University
Cleveland Hall, Room 261
PO Box 642136
Pullman, WA 99164-2136
Phone: (509) 335-2154
Email: simon.licen@wsu.edu
Twitter: @drsimonlicen



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