

The standard of hockey player’s anaerobic capacity depends on the anaerobic glycolytic capacity level and effectiveness of usage of this source [3,4,5]. The drop in lactate concentration in blood in consecutive training stages at maintenance of constant power and total work would indicate the improvement of effectiveness of performed work [6, 7]. The objective of the present study was to assess the changes of the level of anaerobic capacity in 26 hockey players of Polish national team (under 18 years of age) during 7-month preparation period for World Championship in 2003..


The assessment of anaerobic capacity with the use of the 30-s cycle ergometric test was carried out after the completion of the 1st part of league play-offs and before the initiation of 3-week period preparation immediately before the World Championship. The following parameters were recorded: maximal power (Pmax), average power (Pav), total work performed (WTOT), time-to-reach Pmax, Pmax holding time. The lactate concentration (LA) was established before the test, than in 4th and 8th minute after the completion of the test.The results were subjected to statistical analysis.


In back players, after the completion of the time period between the I and II test, statistically significant progression of all ergometric parameters was observed (p≥0.01- p≥0.05), except the time of Pmax holding. The Pmax value increased from the level of 11.77 +0.61 to 13.1+0.94 W/kg, Wtot from the level of 300+17 to 320+18 J/kg. There was no statistically significant increment of ∆LA value (from 10.82+3.21 to 11.75+5.46). The successive test showed further Pmax increment from the value of 13.1+0.94 to 13.93+0.71 and Wtot from 320+18 up to 324+16 J/kg. ∆LA increment from 11.75+5.46 to 14.83+2.61 mmol/l, (p≥0.05) was observed. In forward players between the I and II test there was a significant increment of Pmax value from the level of 12.23+0.81 to 13.46+1.49 W/kg (p≥0.01) and Wtot from 299+19 to 316+14 J/kg., p≥ 0.01). ∆LA decreased, from the value of 12.17 to 11.06 mmmol/l. After the completion of consecutive period statistical relevancy (p≥0.005) was found in increment of glycolysis intensification (∆LA) in analysed period from the values of 11.06+3.67 to 14.78+2.48 mmol/l.


Considerable increment of parameters of power and work observed after the 1st competition period (September-
December) in relation to the ones recorded after the period of specific preparation.
Increment of Pmax and Wtot values within September-December period accompanies the increment of effectiveness
of the leading metabolic source (anaerobic glycolysis)

Stabilisation of ergometric parameters is accompanied by increased energetic cost


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