
There are published a lot of data for the HR changes during competitive rowing- Borisov, 1952(228-240 beats per
minute); Bassan, 1968(220-240 beats per minute);Neykov,2001(180-200 beats per minute) etc. But receiving of new
information on that field is significant for individualization of the management of training process. The purpose of the
research is to present some applied results of the HR changes during the competitive rowing of elite women and men
sculler rowers.

Subjects of investigation were 16 elite Bulgarian and Turkish women(5) and men(11)sculler regular and lightweight
categories rowers. Experimental methods included measurements of HR changes(Pollar’s S810)and sports
performance("Speed-coach" timers)during 2000m control, regional and national competitions. The data were
statistically systematized(ANOVA) and as proportionally rations and comparatively analyzed.

Results: on Table 1 are presented some of the results.

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Analyses of measured data showed that over 10% of HR data are in interval of 180-190 beats per minute and over 80%-
interval 190-200.the maximal score of 198 beats were found. Summary HR changes during the competitive rowing are
in diapason of 180-200 betas per minute and this formed one objective basic of structuring, characteristics and
assessment of competitive loads of elite rowers.

[1]. Bachev V(2003). Optimization of management of training process in rowing type of sports. Thesis of Doctor of
Pedagogical sciences, NSA Sofia-2003

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