
This article tends to determine the wavemaking resistance of the double rowing made by the famous Empacher
enterprise of German applying the Michell integral formula under different speed, present the relationship between the
wavemaking resistances at different velocity. To compute the wavemaking resistance of high speed rowing, contrasting
with three-dimensional result of calculation and the result of this paper, the result shows that method based on the
Michell integral formula is comparatively simple and practical, also it helps to calculate the effect of shallow water and
optimum design.

The total resistance of ship can be divided into frictional, viscous pressure and wavemaking components. There are
many methods applied in calculating wavemaking resistance, but none can become the criterion. This is the problem
that has not solved by researchers of the circle of ship, and it becomes the focus of studying internationally at present.
The method of Michell integral is one of those. Michell integral formula is as follow:
Whereρis water density; g is
gravity acceleration; K0=g/U0
2 is number of wave; U0 is the speed of rowing; f(x,z) is halfbreadth of ship; x,z is
horizontal coordinate and vertical coordinate respectively; S is ship surface under the still waterline. In this paper the
wavemaking resistance of the double rowing shell made by German Empacher Company at different velocity was
calculated based on the Michell integral formula.

The main characters of the rowing are shown in following table (1):

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It is simple and available based on Michell integral method to calculate the wavemaking resistance of rowing at high
speed. The rowing is fit for male athletes or female athletes in down wind and down stream condition to use. In long
distance training, strength and power should be emphasized. The speed can reach 4.5m/s at least when the athletes have
good skill.Athletes should control their weights, and especially, the fat could not be too great.

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