
Anxiety is defined in Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology as “a negative emotional state in which feelings of nervousness, worry, and apprehension are associated with activation or arousal of the body.” Anxiety can be observed as trait, a permanent predisposition to see situations as threatening, or state, a temporary emotion in response to a situation (Spielberger, 1966). State anxiety is a specific situation when the person makes a mental assessment of some type of threat and the trait situation arises in response to a perceived threat but it differs in its intensity, duration and the range of situations in which it occurs. In a state of distress is directly in an emotional state characterized by anxiety, fear, tension, and increased physiological arousal. A person with a high trait anxiety level perceives and experiences the competition as a stressful situation, manifests a higher anxiety level and responds with a disproportionally higher arousal level than a person with a lower anxiety level. Anxiety has the ability to impact all aspects of sport, from competition to injury and returning to sports. Previous study concluded that anxiety significantly impacts both the physical and psychological performances of athletes competing in sport. Female athletes reported higher levels of competitive trait anxiety and higher levels of worries, whereas males indicated greater concentration disruption. The purpose of the present investigation was to study the trait anxiety of female college athletes
