
Estimation of archers’ performance level by using forearm surface EMG data may be a method in evaluation of the experience in archery. The aim of the current study was to create some archery skill indexes that could be used in estimation of archers’ performance levels by using forearm surface EMG data.

Three groups, (i) elite (n = 7, FITA score=1303.4  26.2), (ii) beginners (n = 6, FITA score = 1152  9.0) and (iii) non-archers (n = 10, assumed FITA score = 250  0), were involved in the study. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the M. flexor digitorum superficialis and the M. extensor digitorum were quantified. Two-second periods -1 s before and 1 s after the fall of the clicker - were used to obtain averaged and rectified EMG data. The averaged and rectified EMG data were filtered by averaging finite impulse response filter with 80 ms time window and then normalised. EMG amplitudes were normalised with respect to Maximum Voluntary Contraction.

To estimate FITA scores from EMG data, the following skill indexes that based on mean area under some parts of processed EMG waveforms was offered for archery: Pre-clicker Archery Skill Index (PreCASI), Post-clicker Archery Skill Index (PostCASI), Archery Skill Index (ASI) and Post-clicker Archery Skill

Discussion / Conclusions
It is concluded that archery skill indexes may be used for a) evaluation of archers’ progress, b) selection of talented archers and c) improvement of archers’ progress. Naturally, future researches will determine the application of archery skill indexes into practice.

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