
The brinquedoteca is a prepared space to stimulate the development of the child through playing inside of na environment spececially play full.(BOMTEMPO, Edda, 1992) this paper related work is a story of experience acquired through supervised period of training, that if carried through in a period of 10 months,between August of 2001 and June of 2002. The local a filantropca Institution in the city of Rio de Janeiro, that approximately takes care of a demand of 250 devoid children in the ages of 0 the 12 years. The developed work was through a program f infantile attendance whose main instrument was toys. A choice of the toy came by means of studies that confirm its importance in its development physicist- engine, emotional, intellctual, cognate.

Material and Mathods: The period of training was developed in 10 months , therefore a time was used, that was called phase diagnosiss, to mapear all Institution. At another moment it had visits to a brinquedoteca, project of a brnquedoteca for the Institution, classification of toys and pedagogical games in the deposit of the Institution , studies on the periods of training of the child, plant low, description of furniture, awareness of the toy and tricks for teachers of the infantile education and assembly. Results: The children as well as the professionals had adhered to the space, increased the socialization between the children, adhesion to the habits and discipline on the part of the children, acces to a great variety of toys, stimulation for physical coordination.

Conclusions: Can be considered the toy as na excellent vehicle for development of the child. The brinquedoteca provided sells at retail it the tricks valuation of the extinc dramatize in the infantile education and the awareness of the teacher how much the importance of the toy and plaing in the spaces of daily pay- school.