

In the present we have seen the evidence around the environment’s theme. It has been approached by multiple areas of study that search for solutions to questions affecting the Earth and human’s harmony. The Physical Education area can’t be apart of this discussion since it plays an important role linking humans and nature through the corporal practices. But there aren’t many studies relating this approximation. In this way, the purpose of this study is to promote a reflection to highlight possible connections between Physical Education and environmental questions.


Using a qualitative methodology, a bibliographic analysis was done. Research works focusing corporal, natural and rational categories were considered. Also, historical works on ancient Greek civilization were utilized.


Ancients had an integrated relation with nature. Modern times with its scientific rationality contributed to separate organic, spiritual and natural world. Corporal practices that, at former times, had a unity with arts, politics, divinities, philosophies, poetry and other spheres are then appreciated mainly by biological and mechanists views.


It has been referred that the environmental crisis is a thinking crisis [1]. In the modernity, the nature is dominated through rationalization, science and techniques [2]. This fact has created a relation problem while humans see themselves as being apart of the nature and need to dominate it. It’s expressed in the corporal practices too. The ancient Greek ones hadn’t only building muscles and body strengthening purposes, but were linked with the Physis concept. That is, an essence in each form of life and an identity and fraternity among them. With the time passage, Physis is then expressed as the term physique in its biological essence [3]. The reductionism, anthropocentrism and materialism dominated the world’s conception. In the Physical Education field it’s notorious once the hard sciences are more appreciated than the human sciences [4]. But we also star to perceive new frontiers that many scholarships have brought to the field. And some facts increasing in ours days (search for outside activities, eco-games, nature conservationism) tend to represent a necessity of the nature’s contact and a new way of life conducting. We conclude that the first step to a connection between Environmental and Physical Education’s spheres is to transcend the conception that contributed to separate the humans from their intrinsic and extrinsic nature. The challenge for Physical Education in the new millennium is to recover the human component contributing to a new thinking about the humans, their motions and the place for it, the Earth. It’s to remember the first ancient Greek lessons that contributed to establish the basis and ideals of perfect harmony among humans and the universe in which they are part.


[1]. LEFF E (2000). La complejidad ambiental, Mexico, 7-53.
[2]. LUZ M (1988). Natural, rational, social: medical reason and modern scientific rationality, Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 15-42.
[3]. SILVA A (2001). Body and history, Campinas: Associated Authors:, 25-41.
[4]. SOARES C (2001). Physical Education and human sciences, Sao Paulo: Hucitec, 53-74..