
Performance in vertical jump reflects the muscular power of lower extremities and is critical for many sports, volleyball
and track and field jumps being among them [1]. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in
mechanical parameters in reliable jumping tests when these were performed by young female athletes of different
training groups[2].

Twenty one female volleyball players (Group V) of 16.2 (1.9) yrs, 60.4 (7.5) Kg, 171.2 (8.5)cm) and 18 track and field
jumpers (Group J) of 16.9 (1.5) yrs, 59.0 (7.0) Kg, 168.7 (6.5)cm) participated in the study. The best performed trial out
of three CMJ and SJ, respectively and the first five consecutive Hopmax out of one 15s trial two legged hopping for
maximal height (HOPmax) were recorded with a portable f/p (Kistler: Type:9286AA) and selected for further analysis
(Bioware -V. 3.05-). Significance was set at p<0.01.

The two samples were homogeneous in age, body mass and body height. They exhibit significant variation in muscular
power and parameters of vertical jumping ability that ranges from 23.9 έως 47.2% in all three tests with the exception
of Group J in selected parameters of SJ (7.7 %) (Graph 1).
As it is shown in Table 1 Group J demonstrated significant higher jump height in all three tests as well as in maximal
Power scaled to BM. Regarding HOPmax, it is interesting that although the total time for 5 hops is the same between
groups, nevertheless the contact and flight times scaled to total time are significantly less and more, respectively in
Group J. Fzmax is significantly higher in Group J.

Discussion / Conclusions
At around 16 years of age our young athletes, besides the competitive specificity (team event vs individual event) they
appear to discriminate in parameters reflecting the higher muscular power of lower extremities in Group J. This in turn
appears to affect vertical jumping ability. With our results, it is confirmed that the individuation of abilities is developed
rather early, shaping the frame of sports orientation [3].

[1]. Van Praagh E & Dore (2002). Sports Med, 32, 701-28
[2]. Eloranta V. (2003). Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol, 43, 141-56.
[3]. Bencke J et al. (2002). Scand J Med Sci Sports,12, 171-8.

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