

The purpose of this summary is to know the impact of universitary curriculum on a student´s thinking about the teaching of PE and sport coach in Faculty of Sport Sciences of UCLM (Spain). This work is based in the research on education known as teacher socialization (Lawson, 1983a; 1983b). The research studies focusing on how the effect of university curriculum impact on a student’s thinking was weak or inexistent (Carreiro da Costa, 1996; Contreras & G. Ravé , 2002).


The subjects were 320 sports sciences students of 4 courses of curriculum program. The researchers visited each course. The collecting data was made through a questionnaire consisting of open and dicotomic questions the questions were about Good PE teacher’s characteristics, Goals of PE, Role of PE teacher, Good coach’s characteristics, Positive and negative aspect of university formation. The research methodology was qualitative.


The Sport’s Sciences students wish to become PE teachers (year 1,2,3 and 4), they chose this career for the enjoyment for the sport and the physical activity: they quoted: "I like sport" (year 1,2,3 and 4). Good PE teacher’s characteristics: curriculum knowledge, personal behaviours: "fun, professional and motivate" (year 1,2,3 and 4). Goals of PE: Social expectations regarding the goals of school physical education: "PE is equal to mathematics" and enjoy to sport practice: "adherence to sport". Role of PE teacher: "teach the curriculum contents". Good coach’s characteristics: "to promote and help athletes perform to their full potential" and "educator". Positive aspect of university formation: Intelectual and affective level "good teachers and good teaching experience",: Negative aspect of university formation: inadequate curriculum structure (course) (year 3 and 4) , negative practice in secondary schools, fitness center, and sports clubs (year 4).

Discussion / Conclusions

The Sport’s Sciences students wish to become PE teachers according to Carreiro (1996), they chose this career for the enjoy for the sport and the physical activity, all this has a coincidence with Contreras & G. Ravé (2002). Good PE teacher’s characteristics: curriculum knowledge according to Carreiro (1996), and personal behaviours. Goals of PE: they consider the development of a fit and healthy life style (MEC, 2001). The good coach’s characteristics coincide with Potrac et al (2002). Results about positive and negative aspect of university formation coincide with Contreras & G. Ravé (2002). In conclusion, when they complete four year program, there is a weak change in student’s thinking.


  1. Carreiro da Costa, F; Carvalho, LM; Alves, J; Pestana, C (1996) As expectativas de exercicio profissional dos alunos de um curso que habilita para a docencia: a formaçao (nao) passa por aquí?. En: Carreiro da Costa, F; Carvalho, LM; Onofre, M; Alves, J; Pestana, C. Formaçao de professores en educaçao fisica, Lisboa, Ediçoes FMH.
  2. Contreras, OR; G. Ravé, JM (2002) Modificación en las expectativas profesionales de los estudiantes de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte y magisterio (educación física) durante su formación universitaria. Research memory. UCLM
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  4. Lawson, H (1983 b) Toward a model of teacher socialization in physical education: Entry into schools, teacher´s role orientations and longevity in teaching. Journal of teaching in physical education, 3(1): 3-15
  5. MEC, (2001) RD 837/2001. Curriculum de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Educación Física.
  6. Potrac, P., Jones,R., Armour, K. (2002): " It’s all about getting respect: the coaching behaviors of an expert english soccer coach", Sport, Education and Society, 2, 183-202.