
In recent years the electromyography has been greatly emphasized in sport medicine with much research being done in
muscular neuro-biomechanics. Many investigations were conducted in different sports such as swimming [1],
gymnastic [2], bodybuilding [7], cycling [5], artistic gymnastics [6], Roman table [3], and soccer [4]. However, very
few studies analyzed the muscular behavior during locomotion in diverse aspects. Based in these previous studies
analyzed the muscular behavior of the lumbar iliocostal and gluteus maximus muscles during locomotion on the ground
and on a treadmill

The muscles were monitored using the electromyography in 10 male individuals (ages 19 to 25 years old). The
objective was to study the muscles´action potential during locomotion on the ground as well as on a treadmill. During
ground locomotion the individual had to prepare himself running in place for 15 seconds after which he ran at top speed
for 10 meters. For the treadmill test, the Bruce protocol was used: 7th stage, at 6 mph, with 22% of inclination, for 60
seconds. However, electromyography readings presented here were taken during the last 5 seconds of the treadmill test.

The results showed significant differences between the situations (treadmill and ground) as well as differences between
gluteus maximus and lumbar iliocostal muscles in the same situation

Discussion / Conclusion
There is information in the literature that the Gluteus Maximus muscle seem to dominate the Pelvis region during
walking but do not contribute significantly during running or during normal march (walking)[2]. However these results
demonstrate that both iiliocostal lumbar and gluteus maximus muscles contribute minimally to ground locomotion,
while on the treadmill, the contribution was greater. For both muscles this reflects: a higher activity level on the
treadmill; to detain the impulse of the member while finishing the oscillation forward during the locomotion movement
(gluteus maximus) and to stabilize of the trunk on the treadmill (illiocostal lumbar).

[1]. Bankoff & Vitti (1987). Chinesiologia Scientifica. Unione Nazionale de Chinesiologia. 5(2): 22-29.
[2]. Bankoff & Furlani (1987). Chinesiologia Scientifica. Unione Nazionale de Chinesiologia. 5(2): 29-34.
[3]. Bankoff (1999). Congresso de Educação Física e Ciências do Esporte dos Países de Língua Portuguesa,
Florianópolis-SC. p. 270.
[4]. Bankoff et al, (2000). Eletromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 40(6): 351-356.
[5]. Cruz e Bankoff (2001). Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology . 41: 247-252.
[6]. De Moraes & Bankoff (1995). Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 35(7): 425-430.
[7]. Francischetti & Bankoff (1990). Editora da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

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