
Nowadays the spine pains have become the most common disorder of osteoarticular system. Not only the older but young people are complaining about it. Despite the methods of treatment are becoming better and better the problem is growing. It has just become the social trouble. Pains situated in lumbosacralis part of spine appear as the spine is not completely adopted to vertical posture of human body and because people have limited their physical activity and have chosen sitting posture as the most dominant in their lifestyle. There are a lot of reasons of spine pains but the one of them is hernia of the nucleus pulposus [1].
The aim of my work is to measure the stability of human standing posture in case there is discopathy in lumbosacralis part of spine.

I have examined 60 men with the group of pains situated in the lower part of spine which are caused by hernia of the nucleus pulposus on the L4/L5 and L5/S1 level. On the strength of personal pain assessment the group was divided into two. In the first group there were men with the intensity of pain symptoms (ischialgia) as the pain was very sharp at the moment of examination and with positive symptom of Lasegue’a. In the second group there were men with chronically moderate spine pain which has existed for on the average 12 years. Besides, there was a group of 60 men examined- teachers of physical education. Each one of the men was in his or her fourties. To measure the stability of vertical posture the stabiliography method was used. During the examination each men was naturally standing for 20s on the force platform. The measurement was done with 20 Hz frequency. The range, mean speed, peak frequencies and damping were calculated from registered the dispersion of centre of pressure signals [2].


The results of examination shows that keeping the stable posture by the men suffering from the pain of the lower part of spine is for these people very difficult and uncomfortable task. It requires from them to start some adaptation mechanisms and substitutional strategy which secures the stability of correct posture.

[1]. Swenson H. (1983). Low Back Pain beatwine 40 - 47 Year old men. Spine, 8, 272-276.
[2]. Kuczyński M. (1999), The second order autoregressive model in the evaluation of postural stability. Gait & Posture, 9, 50-56.

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