
: Cricket is the most admired game and most played sport in India, Batting, bowling, and fielding are the three areas of cricket. Fielding is crucial in the game as fielders retrieve the ball and accurately throw it back to the bowler, wicket keeper or stumps. Thus, they need to focus on velocity and accuracy to enhance their throwing performance. Following the summation principle, movement begins at the hips and knees to maximize speed at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Strengthening the hip muscles is vital for boosting ball release speed. Hip abduction strength has been observed to be stronger on the dominant side in asymptomatic nonathletic participants. Thus, the aim of the study was to examine the effect of pectoralis minor lengthening on the throwing accuracy and hip improved dynamic balance with improvements in scores on the time up and go test and the time up and down stairs test. Continuous rhythmic stabilization in children with Down syndrome helps in obtaining better trunk control while walking. Improvement was seen in dynamic balance control in the form of walking and stair climbing in a shorter duration interval after rhythmic stabilization therapy. Rhythmic stabilization technique had significant improvement in balance with time up and go test (p < 0.05) and time up and down stairs test (p < 0.05).
