
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an aerobic physical exercise, onto the changes induced, after the
exercise period in the average concentration levels of gastrin, of two groups of athletes, with or without the presence of
Helicobacter pyrlori (H.pylori). H.pylori is known to be responsible for the 60-95% cases of peptic ulcer disease (1,2,3).

Sixteen men of high performance athletes of mean age 20.5+1.5 years [group A: (H.pylori -)=9 and group B:
(H.pylori+)=7] were performed to prolonged sub-maximal exercise. The average exercise duration was approximately
60 min and the intensity was 50% of their personal max aerobic workout capacity. The concentration of serum gastrine
was measured before and after exercise. For the statistical analysis t-test and ANOVA were used.


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The present of H. pylori and exercise-induced increase of gastrin concentration by the pathophysiological disorders,
which is caused, under the performance of a continuous and prolonged physical exercise, it could be considered a
potential pathological factor for patients with peptic ulcer and H. pylori presence (4).

[1]. Beadshall K. et al (1992). Gut, 33,601-603.
[2]. Christensen N.J., Brandborg O. (1976). Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 35, 591-595.
[3]. Hartley L.H. et al. (1972). J Appl Physiol, 33, 602-606.
[4]. Calam J. H. (1995). Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 7, 310-317.

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