

This wok intends to analyse the process of implementing of PE classes in Brazil, since the epoch of its discovery until nowadays. Under the patronage of a medical and militarist vision the gymnastics destined to white boys was implemented in (few) public elementary schools by instructors belonged to the imperial Militia. From the advent of the
Republic in 1889, countless governmental attempts occurred in order to align Brazil with the modern countries. Urbanization, industrialization, migratory and imigratory currents formed a part of this process. Is was necessary to organize the social body and, in a certain way, to frame the different social classes. The (recommended) PE classes, at the same time, took part in that hygienist and eugenic project to try the Brazilian races improvement. From the Old Republic, until 60 and 70 decads, new methodologies were observed. The "instrumentalization" and the physical skills for sports applied to youth and the psycomotricity to children in the elementary schools, were the tonic of the epoch. From the 80 decade on were implemented the Human Motricity and Corporal Culture lines


This historical and descriptive work based in the analysis of specific literature, in architectural, historical medical works documents of epoch (photos and papers) and interviews.
PE, differently from the past, were enlarged in relation with its philosophy and program (games, dance, fight, sport, gymnastic) Articulated to the school project, they formed the students integral formation presently.

Discussion/ Conclusions

This work professionals and university students stand by a significant effort in order to systematize and spread the history and the memory of the formal PE in Brazil as well to try being understood the Arts State in which in can be found, inasmuch as the sociocultural researches in Brazil are scarse, although they have been progressively weighed up in PE graduation courses.


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