


Presentation of a graphic approach that can be used as an additional illustration to Heath & Carter`s method of somatotyping. The purpose of this study is to present the method and give the data on ecosensitivity of the three somatotype components separately.


Using the somatotype anthropometric method of Heath & Carter [1] 620 young sportsmen were investigated. Their data are presented with the graphic method which is the topic of this discussion. The graphic somatotype model is a scalene triangle created under real values (individual or group) of the somatotype`s components. A system of three coordinates at 1200 is used as the basis for this graphic model. The real values of the endo-, meso- and ectomorpy are on the coordinates, marked from the center outwards, joining to form a triangle. This triangle shows dimensionally the quantitative interrelation between the three interdependent components of the somatotype.


The analysis of our data confirms that on a background of invariable mean somatotype during the childhood and adolescence of the studied persons, all three components of somatotype change interdependently [2]. This reflects the quantitative changes in the body structure of the growing and maturing organism. These graphic somatotype models used with outstanding sportsmen give information about an optimum interrelation between values of the somatotype components - the main goal beginners strive for. The created graphic models can be used as a standard for comparison in sport selection and in the morphological control over sportsmen.


The presented method visualizes the specific interdependent changes in the somatotype components during the postnatal ontogenesis, the period of training and is the basis for creation of the graphic somatotype models of elite athletes. We believe that this new visual presentation can find its application in sports practice and as prevention and evaluation of treatment in some diseases.



[1]. Carter, J.E.L. & Heath, B.H. (1990). Somatotyping-development and applications, 398-420.

[2]. Toteva, M. (1992).  Somatotypology in sports, 271-335.