

The AD-HD is defined by the persistent lack of attention and hyperactivity, more frequently severe than acceptable deviation in individuals of similar level of development (Barros The majority of children present symptoms for at least six mouths both in lack of attention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, however, there are certain cases of the predominance one type or the other. " It’s important to understand that a hyperactive child presents the most common exaggerated form` (Goldstein 2002).


The objective of the study is to present a form for Physical Education teachers to carry out a pre-diagnoses during Physical Education classes (classroom, court or gym), and try to identify children who demonstrate AD-HD in its most diverse forms such as hyperactivity, lack of attention, impulsiveness or a mixed combination, and the prevailing level of this child. (DSM-IV et. al.2002)


The Physical Education teacher should be able to recognize and to understand the motor development of AD-HD children, to know which practical, pedagogical and psychological procedures would be most suitable for classes with this type of children.
A lot of teachers don’t know how to realize and differentiate between AD-HD children and easily inattentive children or carrying other types of learning difficulties, and most of them treats all children as inattentive leading them to a relationship ending up with psychological, cognitive and socio-affective deterioration.
The intention is to plan ten specific types of classes that will help the PE teacher to differentiate between normal and balanced children and AD-HD children. These classes are planned follow the most common symptoms of this syndrome and allowing the PE teacher to detect at least seven classics symptoms that combined can let us pre-diagnoses those children who probably suffer from AD-HD, helping them to control their body movement consciously by motivation offered through exercises and activities set in Physical Education classes.

Discussion/ Conclusions

The intention on this study is to contribute to integrated child development with AD-HD, learning how to deal with their hyperkinesias, lack of concentration and impulsiveness helping then to recognize their entire body, from the motivation offer by Physical Education activities.


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