
Sports participation by performing regular weight bearing exercise is believed could maintain or enhance bone health status and muscular performance. Genetic studies in the area of human physical performance reveal a strong heritability of key phenotypes of muscular performance. Sports nutrition is a body of knowledge that provides information regarding food or dietary ergogenic aids necessary for maintaining and enhancing health, growth, physical and sports performance. The importance of proper nutrition is of great interest to both athletes and exercisers for optimal performance and long term health benefits. Proper nutrition improves performance by improving bone health and body composition, which increases speed, mobility, and muscular strength. In this lecture, research findings of sports participation, bone health status, and muscular strength in Malaysian and British young athletes will be presented. Several selected genes and their associations with bone health status and muscular performance in Malay young athletes will be discussed. In addition, this lecture will also cover the topic of combined effects of exercise with nutritional supplements on bone health status, bone metabolism markers and muscular performance in young population.
