Interaction Between a Bout Of Physical Exercise And L-arginine Administration On Endocrinecardiovascular Biomarkers In Hypertensive Postmenopausal Women
Por I. P. Novais (Autor), A. Jarrete (Autor), G. Puga (Autor), M. A. Delbin (Autor).
Several hypotheses have proposed to explain the greater incidence of arterial hypertension in postmenopausal women, but it is not clear yet the underlying mechanisms. It is well established the beneficial effects of physical exercise on cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, there are few studies examining the effects of L-arginine administration associated with physical exercise on cardiovascular health. Aim: To identify if an acute L-arginine administration associated with a bout of aerobic physical exercise would affect endocrine and cardiovascular biomarkers (steroid hormones and NO/cGMP levels) as well as blood pressure in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Methods: Twenty-eight hypertensive postmenopausal women were randomized into 3 groups: acute administration of L-arginine (9g) (ARG group), a bout of aerobic exercis (30 min) with placebo pills (EXE group) and the combination of the both challenges (ARG+EXE group). Blood samples were collected in four points time during the challenges and blood pressure was monitored by office and ambulatory measurements. Anthropometry, cardiovascular parameters, biochemical analyses measuring were examined during the challenges. We also examined biochemical parameters after overnight fasting. Results: The combination of l-arginine + physical exercise (ARG+EXE group) as well as a bout of aerobic exercise (EXE group) promoted a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. Either EXE or ARG+EXE groups had a significant increase in cGMP concentrations (EXE: +61%; ARG+EXE: +69%). Regarding to cortisol concentrations, either ARG or ARG+EXE groups the challenges with l-arginine administration, isolated or associated with physical exercise (ARG and ARG+EXE) promoted a significant reduction in this steroid hormone (ARG: -35%; ARG+EXE: -31%) in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Conclusion: The interaction between in L-arginine administration with physical exercise was effective in lowering the concentration of cortisol; however, this combination did not improve blood pressure reduction as well as NO/cGMP pathway in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Financial Support: FAPESP.