

It is very important to the block techniques in modern volleyball games. Block, in the match, is not only the first defense line but also a main way to win the game. The paper rationally studies, via the live recording by the 3-dimension high-speed photography, the block techniques of the elite man’s volleyball players in the world.


The double-block techniques of Cuban, Polish, Canadian and Chinese man’s elite volleyball players who participated in the ’98 Li Qun Cup (a International Man’s Volleyball Invitational tournament in China), were live photographed by two SONYDOYVX-100 digital video cameras with 60 f. p. s and 1/1000s shutter. Then the three-dimensional computer FYAME DIAS analyzed the data.


The researches show: the stand of blockers at the time of blocking, with facing the net and holding high, was comparatively close; the center gravity height of two Cuban players, at the time of blocking take-off, was 1.98m and 1.88m; the time of flight was 0.67s to 0.70s; the shoulder height reached or over the net height was 2.46m and 2.43m; the angle between arm and the vertical plane of the net was small about 128°to 132°; The body bends in ‘< ’ form; the action of blocking was straight over the net and spread the fingers alignment with the ball; they turned outside hand into the court and the pressed wrist downward to force the ball down into court when the ball contacted the hands. The center gravity height of Polish, Canadian, and Chinese players was 1.85m to1.86m when they were in blocking take-off; the time of flight was 0.62s to 0.64s; the shoulder height was 2.36m to 2.39m and not reached the net height; the angle between arm and the vertical plane of the net was from 147°to 162°. When the opponents opened spike at the right side of the court, the block action of right side blockers was facing the net and side step was towards the direction to block. The left shoulders of the center blockers were toward the net, and the blockers ran like the spike approach, taking off and turning their bodies to block.

Discussion/ Conclusions

Successful blocking relies on good positioning, good timing and good techniques. When two men block, the center blockers running step approach like the spike approach can jump higher than that of side step approach. Among the block techniques of the elite man’s volleyball players, those of Cuban players are the best. When block takes off, their flight time is long, the shoulder height over the net height and arms straightforward over the net, which can make their blocking bound wilder and attacking ability stronger.


[1]. Wang Jia-wei,(1999) The Change of Techniques in Modern Volleyball, China Volleyball 7,16~17