
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is fast emerging as a public health issue as it affects the current and future health of both mother and child. Medical nutritional therapy focused on lifestyle behavior changes, nutrition education and self- monitoring of blood glucose is the first line treatment for the management of GDM. The basic principle of MNT is to ensure adequate energy intake along with balanced macro & micronutrient distribution to support appropriate fetal growth, maternal weight gain while maintaining normoglycemic state. Carbohydrate being the fundamental macronutrient affecting blood sugar levels, focusing on its type, amount and distribution in the meals is of prime importance. Addition of protein and fibre in each meal is also vital to prevent extreme glycemic excursions. Effective use of MNT can not only manage hyperglycemia but also offset adverse maternal & fetal outcomes reducing the need of pharmacological intervention. It can thereby act as a game changer in the life of newborns and the susceptible female population. Despite a consensus on MNT being the cornerstone therapy for GDM management its effective implementation and patient compliance remains a challenge especially in low resource settings.
