
The number of women athletes participating in recreational and competitive athletics has increased tremendously in lhe past decade. Young girls and women are competing at ali leveis. However, many women who exercise, especially those in sports where weight is an issue (e.g., long distance running, gymnastics. crew), may not consume enough energy for optimal performance. By no! consuming lhe proper energy needed, many women lack lhe appropriate amount of nutrients, especially minerais, lha! their bodies need. This lower mineral intake can lead to impaired exercise performance and overall health. Minerais play important roles during exercise and at rest. They are involved in glycolysis, lipolysis, proteolysis, as well as phosphagen hydrolysis. In addition, minerais are integral in enzymatic activity and as part of lhe antioxidant defense systems. Some of lhe minerais lha! are especially problematic in women athletes include: calcium, iron, and zinc.
