

By identifying Olympism as a philosophy in action we will explain that the existence of general values (extrinsic) of Olympism are those it absolutely owns and those which are original (intrinsic).

We accept they have: Identity, strength, consistency, and wider applicability, being treated from now on like fundamental principles of this work, desirable in general.

A first step is to fix basic positions that will allow building a logical approach and thematic development, so we will refer to at least some classical definitions of Olympism.

The most important concern is to propose that Olympic Education (beyond the means and strategies used) has been transformed into an Education of Values as a first step based on its great importance.

Education in Values of Olympism for the educator and that has a concept a group of theoretical and methodological principles. These principles allow the definition of strategies to continue with planning, execution and evaluation of the process.

Therefore, a definition in the strict sense of the values of Olympism would be:

  • They are identified
  • They are demonstrated, and
  • They are structured

Some of the reasons to develop a Pedagogy in the Education of Olympic Values, are:

  • To give them a purpose
  • To give them an explanation
  • To make them specific

As pedagogic model for Olympic Education:

  • To be an activity centred more in the person themselves and their psychophysical and social needs, than in those simple achievements.
  • Aimed at promoting personal initiative more than acquisition of a stereotyped model.
  • That emphasises the development of the motor availability by continuous practice of sport, as a means for adaptation to the world, in physical and social terms.
  • That favours development in a personal way of the sport as a means of maintaining health and social interaction.
  • That facilitates development of positive attitudes towards one’s own body and their game manifestations, cultural, intellectuals, artistic or sport.
  • That promotes psychophysical well-being, more than a desire of fame.
  • That search for achievements is more as one pretension of personal excellence than as an external imposition.


  • The Sport Management, as well as the Olympic Educators must be focused into this innovation and others interrelations.
  • Searching for a different way of education and management technology.
  • Encourage not only developing countries, but also the developed ones.

Discussion/ Conclusions

The selection of a profession to transform some educational activities through Olympic Education in Values is Sport Management. It’s possible to add an universal ideological topic in the course of professional development: Olympism.

A set of strategies based on management of Olympism should be developed in close contact with Universities and from the University’s perspective, in order to set new fields, studies and investigations.