Olympic education: Coubertin’s legacy in Brazil

Parte de Olympism and Olympic Education . páginas 108 - 120


The French baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863–1937), founder of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic Movement, and the Olympic Games of the Modern Era, considered himself primarily an educator. According to the IOC, Coubertin saw sports as part of the education of any young person, just like science, literature, and the arts (International Olympic Committee, 2023). With this vision, his goal was to provide a harmonious education for the bodies and minds of young people. The Olympic Games provided the visibility and the international scope to the concept of education Coubertin needed. In a prominent position because of the Games, this concept could become permanent, and would not depend on the existence of the Games. The Olympic Movement has always sustained Coubertin’s principles, and today, education through Olympism has become universal, essentially based on fundamental human values. The education linked to Olympism, i.e., Olympic education, involves two guidelines: (1) research about Olympism (the academic world), and (2) education through Olympism (children, adolescents, and athletes) through academic programs and youth programs (International Olympic Committee, 2023).