
The future professional realization and confirmation as personalities of the students depends on their value orientations, on one hand, and the readiness to practise the chosen profession, on the other hand [1]. At the same time, concerning the sports pedagogues, this problem is too complex. It does not give opportunity explicit and long lasting prognoses to be done [2].

Purpose of our investigation is the professional value orientations of the sports students at a certain stage of their teaching. Object of the investigation are 162 students of the Trainer’s faculty (77%) and the Teacher’s faculty (23%) at the National Sports Academy. We used the method of U. Whitaker, adapted by J. Merdzanova (2002) [3] about values and preferences to some aspects of the professional activity on the basis of concrete indicators. Statistically we used the alternative analysis.

The results of the professional values of the sports students are presented in the table below.

The results show the main adjustments of the sports students to their future professional activity. It is necessary a periodical investigations over the dynamics of the professional value orientations of the students to be done. This will help the pedagogical interaction with effective methods during the whole course of study.

[1]. Mutafova J. (2002). Sport, society, education. Volume 7, Sofia, NSA, 164-170.
[2]. Zelijazkova-Koinova Z. (2001). Personality, motivation, sports. Volume 6, Sofia, NSA, 147-152.
[3]. Merdzanova J. (2002). Pedagogy, 6, 31-47.

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