

Primary schools are required to supply for the physical development needs of all children, but the Physical Education program granted in primary schools does not always provide children with the necessary foundation for later participation. Many primary school teachers have been on teacher training courses where very little time is devoted to the PE. A child`s initial development of foundation skills walking, throwimg, catching, hitting, running, skipping - is often experienced by home. Parents have a significant contriburion to make to the development of a child`s pattern of play, and it is evident that early on in life girls are stereotyped through the expectations of others and the choices that are open to them.


This research has been realised on the sample of PE male and female elementary and secondary school pupils in Serbia & Montenegro and Australia. For the reason of this study it was applied a questioner to evaluate the PE male and female elementary and secondary school pupils including organization and participation in school classes and sport activities. The examiner consisted of 15 questions with possibility of offered alternative answers. Research results were processed with non-parametric statistics procedure.


In schools where PE classes are segregated, children in the 7-11 year age group are frequently introduced to traditional institutionalized sport forms, which are strongly sex related. For example: handball for girls, football for boys. On the base of perception of Sport and Physical Education, held by girls and boys, aged 11-15 years have been noticed major differences between boys and girls. Team games remain the most popular sports among boys throughout the 11-15-age range while at girls there is a marked change away from team games towards individual activities such as aerobics, badminton, and swimming.

Discussion / Conclusions

Girls of all ages are generally sociable motivated and there is no change with age. Boys became extrinsically and self-motivated to participate in sport, as they became older. Girls perceptions of the status of, satisfaction with and interest in, Physical Education decrease with age, whilst boys perception of the status of Physical Education, satisfaction and interest in PE curriculum, increase with age. Clearly, there is a need to determine the nature of, and reasons for, the decline in interest and participation in sport and physical activity by adolescent children, particularly girls. The Secondary Physical Education programs offered in Serbia & Montenegro and Australians schools varied greatly. There was significant difference in the range of activities offered to boys and girls, with girls been offered less variety than their male counterparts this difference increased each year. The experience provided for secondary school girls depended largely on the type of school that they attended, with urban schools offering significantly more hours for Physical Education than country schools do.


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