
The rate of sport withdrawal in high school students in Croatia is very high [1]. There is a number of reasons for sport
attrition in children of that age [2] and one of them could be decreasing amount of parental care in sport participation of
growing up adolescents. The aim of this work is to research gender and age differences of parental care in high school
student athletes.

The sample consists of 214 boys and 78 girls, aged 15 to 19 years, participating regularly in some sport. They came
from different high schools in Croatia, and were given Parental Care in Sport Scale [3] during the physical education
classes. The gender and age differences of parental care were established by univariate analysis of variance of the total
scale result.

Results and Discussion
The results in Tables 1 and 2 show that no gender
difference in parental care in sport was found, but
statistically significant difference was established
regarding the grade of students. For both, male and
female athletes, parental care decreases
considerably after first grade of high school. Modal
age of second year high school students is 16 years,
and decrement of parental care in sport corresponds
to reduction of guardian care prescribed by law.

[1]. Gošnik, J., T. Bunjevac, M. Sedar, F. Prot and K. Bosnar (2002). Sport Experience of Undergraduate Students. In:
Milanović, D and Prot, F. (Eds).3rd International scientific conference Kinesiology - New Perspectives Proceedings
book, Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, pp.457-461.
[2]. Brustard, R.J. (1993). Youth in Sport: Psychological Considerations. In: Singer, R.N., Murphey, M. and Tennant,
L.K. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology. New York: Macmillan Publishing Comapany.
[3]. Bosnar, K. (2003). Roditelji kao partneri školskog sporta: empirijska mjera roditeljske potpore. U: Puhak, S. i
Kristić, K. (Ur.). V. Konferencija o sportu Alpe - Jadran, Zagreb: Ministarstvo prosvjete i športa RH, str.11-18

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