
The basic aim of this research is to determine of the basic motor abilities status of rhythmic gymnasts at different
competitive levels The base of special motor performance (technical) is the physical preparation. The diagnosis of the
basic motor ability status and the development prognosis is of the primary importance for the selection process as well
as for the evaluation of the athlete’s progress, rhythmic gymnasts included.

Performance profiling, developed by R. J. Butler, 1989 (et Taylor & Taylor, 1995) assists in identifying and
understanding rhythmic gymnasts’ strengths and areas in need of further development. It is the visual representation of
different level rhythmic gymnasts’ motor abilities performance. The sample of examined subjects in this study consisted
of 69 rhythmic gymnasts (24 young juniors, 22 juniors, and 23 seniors) where took part at the state level of competition.
For the estimation of basic motor ability status a set of 18 variables has been applied. This battery tests was used for the
evaluation of flexibility, co-ordination, balance, explosive strength, dynamic move-ability, frequency of movement and
isometric strength of individual rhythmic gymnasts, as well as for the different groups compare.

The research results were processed by parallel analysis of variance (t-test) and by multiple analyses of variance
(MANOVA). Special statistic procedures were applied for the estimation of the homogeneity and position of groups
(profile analysis).
The significant differences among groups and variables have been presented in Table 1.

Discussion / Conclusions
Parallel analysis of variance, as well as MANOVA (F=1.897; p=.008), point out on significant differences between
examined groups and applied motor variables in more than 75 % of cases (Table 1). The best homogeneity of results is
in Young Juniors group, then in Seniors, and the smallest one is in Junior group (competition category) of rhythmic
gymnasts (Table 2). When taking in consideration development of basic motor abilities, the position between Senior
and Junior rhythmic gymnasts is closer, than between Senior and Young Junior rhythmic gymnasts (Table 3).

[1]. Popović R. (1986). An Importance of Morphological Characteristics, Motor Abilities, Musical Abilities, and some
Personality Treats for Success in Rhythmic-Sports Gymnastics. Unpublished doctoral thesis (in Serbo-Croatian),
Belgrade: Faculty of Physical Education.
[2]. Popović R. (1998). The Anthropological Determinants of Success in Rhythmic-Sports Gymnastics (empiricalscientific
approach). University Student Book (in Serbo-Croatian) Niš: SIA, ISBN 86-90949-1-6.
[3]. Taylor J & Taylor C. (1995). Psychology of Dance. Human Kinetics

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