

According to an approved in 1927 by the former national assembly of Iran, an hour daily program of students had to be devoted to the unit of physical education. But due to the shortage of expert manpower physical educators, lack of space and facility and most important of all absence of an approved curriculum, this law was never put into practice. Seven years ago, based on following process planning for physical education curriculum for elementary schools began.


The purpose of this research was to describe and explain the process of preparing physical education unit (content) in Iran by reviewing and evaluating scientific articles, texts, educational rules and guidelines, and instructions. There fore, this research employed a review method to reach its objectives.
The process of physical education curriculum planning
The process of designing physical education program, the following steps are taken:Research and needs assessment the first step in preparing a physical education program is to conduct research and determine the needs.The following activities are the most salient dimension of research activities:
1-1. Identifying the place of the education unit and the consequences of its application in the constitution.
2-1. Identifying, the new general policies and strategies adopted by ministry of education.
3-1. Considering the results of researches conducted in the area of program contents.
4-1. Comparative study of physical education program in schools of Iran versus other counties.
5-1. Needs and expectations of society from the course of physical education.
6-1. The needs of students to benefit from participation in activities.
2- Issuing guideline for school program.
The results of researches and need assessment can be used to provide guideline for schools:
1-2. Identifying program course or resources for program course objective.
2-2. Formulating course objective according to the foundation of course program in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.
3-2. explanation of the content of course program.
4-2. Identifying program approaches.
5-2. Determining methods of evaluation of the course
6-2. Determining the attributes of characteristics of teachers.
7-2. Determining the obligations and facility needed for the ideal execution of the program.
3- Crediting guidance of program contents .
4-producing educational materials
5-pilot execution of the program in some provinces.
6-final modification of program following its pilot testing.
7-introducing the program by presenting special courses for the teachers.
8-nationwide execution of the
program .
9-persistent evaluation of the program.


Formulation of program content for physical education teaching is a scientific process, which is based on principles and foundation of education. The legal bases, general objectives of education system needs and expectations of society is considered very carefully and in various stages crediting the program is evaluated, then it is forwarded to the educational units. At the present, physical education program used in elementary schools of Iran is provided through this process..


[1]. constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran.
[2]. collection of approvals by higher council of education of Islamic Republic of Iran ,2001.
[3]. course content guidance for physical education in elementary education, office of programming and publishing textbook of research and programming of ministry of education.
[4]. Azmoon, javad; Ajodangaragani, Mandana; "physical education course in schools of world " publication of the office of research and development of vice-deputy of health and physical education of the ministry of education ,2003.