
Petrobras is a private and public joint stock company and RECAP is the petroleum refinery of Petrobras in São Paulo -
Brazil. Some employees in RECAP accumulate functions in the fire brigade that requires high demands of physical
fitness and energy balance and its influence in anthropometric characteristics may be a limitant factor for this function.
Purpose - To describe the relationship between daily Energy Net (difference between total calorie intake and physical
activity energy expenditure) anthropometric variables, and type of physical activity among fire brigade workers in a
petroleum company.

Sample consisted of 53 male workers from 19 to 51 years old (x: 39.8 + 7.3) and height 172.9 + 7.3 cm. It was
measured body weight, adiposity (by mean of 7 skinfolds) and body mass index (BMI). Daily energy expenditure
during an usual week was determined through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ V.8 - short),
self-reported, considering total time (minutes) of vigorous, and moderate physical activities, and walking [1]. To
estimate physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) it was used the criteria of 8 METS/minute for vigorous physical
activities, 4 METS/minute for moderate, and 3.3 METS/minute for walking. Total calorie intake (TCI), % of fat,
carbohydrate (CHO) and protein intake was obtained by interview and analised from a usual daily food intake and the
estimation was obtained through software Virtual Nutri. Energy Net (EN) was calculated. Statystical analysis used was
Pearson coefficient and the level of significance was p<0.05.

TCI was composed by 31.8% from lipid, 45.0% from CHO, and 22.9% from protein, indicating an inadequate
distribution of macronutient. It was calculated the correlation among vigorous, moderate physical activity and walking
with weight (0.23; 0.08 and -0.03), BMI (0.01, -0.08 and -0.01), and adiposity (0.07, 0.09 and 0.03) respectively.

Weekly PAEE was 1513.6 kcal, similar to the recommendation of 1500 kcal/week to be considered physically active
[3]. In a previous study [2], a reduction in level of physical activity did not induce a compensatory reduction of TEI and
lead a significantly positive EN, most of which was stored as fat. In this study, TEI was most related to EN than PAEE
and there were not influences in anthropometric variables. Conclusion: The association between EN and TCI was high
and significant. There was no significant association between EN and type of PA (vigorous, moderate and walking) and
anthropometric variables. The stronger relationship occurred between EN x TCI than EN x PAEE. Negative values of
correlation between type of PA and EN request further studies.

[1]. Craig C. et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2003;35:1381-1395.
[2]. Stubbs R.J. et al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2004;79(1):62-9.
[3]. Pate, R. et al. JAMA 1995; 273:402-7.

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