Social media use for promoting olympism and olympic education

Parte de Olympism and Olympic Education . páginas 92 - 107


Over the years, social media has evolved quite drastically both in how we consume it and moreover its importance within our society and especially within sport. Within our industry it has become an essential tool for engaging with fans and especially young people (Burson-Marsteller /TSE Consulting, 2017). The Olympic Games are a historic, centuries-old global sports festival garnering extraordinary amounts of public attention and awareness. Younger generations, however, may be losing interest in Olympic sports due to the proliferation of extreme sports and becoming more interested in nontraditional sporting events. The Youth Olympic Games are a comparatively new event that is targeted toward a younger audience. Social media could prove to be an efective communication channel for the millennial generation (born 1980–2000), because the social media platform has become an essential part of their everyday lives. To create excitement and interest in these newly created events among the millennial generation, the efective use of social media can be utilized to specifcally target this audience with messages tailored for promoting Olympism and Olympic education (Judge, 2014).