
In the late 19th and early 20th century, the industry experienced tremendous growth and Lorraine historically under-populated and heart of the development of the industry, was one of the regions of France that was more attractive. Except gymnastics which had a character of military preparedness, sport was inaccessible to the working world except for medical purposes. While patriotic societies are statutorily reserved for French, the ecclesiastical world judgment that focuses on immigrants took them further away from Catholic youth club sport activities. Only the sport of cycling by its constituent meritocratic values and its professionalization became a space for Italian worker integration. Thus in 1889 in Germany (in 1907 in France) experienced activists of the Socialist Party, labor unions and movement of cooperators decided to create not only reserved workers' societies for workers, but also to allow workers to practice gymnastic and sporting activities outside of paternalism and militarism. One of these uses, which has been widely debated and discussed, is its role in integration policies. Because it is a social activity and because it conveys values, sport was used as a major tool for integration, a role that has been assigned without any clarification of social and ethical values. That is why we should clearly assess the results of policies which used it, and try to understand experiments’ successes and/or failures. The purpose of this communication is to identify the major stages of development of sport values in the lives of workers cited as the city, because it is primarily people who use physical space to carry out various activities and forge social bonds.
Key words: immigration, sport, diversity, public policies, insertion, integration
