
. Introduction

BRICS is the acronym for an international association of 5 major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.1 According to the World Economic Forum, the BRICS economies are the most competitive among all countries and are distinguished by their significant regional and global influence. The health and wellness of the people within these countries is a primary agenda item of these governments for connecting their fast economic growth and the need to provide a better quality of life. As of 2015, BRICS countries represent >3.6 billion people or one-half of the world population. All 5 countries are members of the top 25 countries of the world by population and 4 of these countries make the top 10 on this list.

A phenomenal and rapid development in the fields of exercise, physical activity, and sports science has taken place in the world. The BRICS Council of Exercise and Sports Science (BRICSCESS) was founded to address the specific concerns of these countries with respect to the health and wellness of the people in BRICS countries. One recognized overwhelming need is the development of future leaders/volunteers (FLVs). Thus the purpose of BRICSCESS is to promote communication, interaction, and cooperation among research institutes, universities, scientists, and FLVs in the field of exercise, physical activity, and sports sciences. In BRICS countries, a growing need exists for the educational development of young professionals to meet the scientific mission to better promote health and wellness in these countries. BRICSCESS seeks to promote and facilitate communication among FLVs and senior researchers in BRICS countries with the overall goal to enhance the quality of life by the promotion of exercise, physical activity, and sport.
