The concept of sport in olympism

Parte de Olympism and Olympic Education . páginas 26 - 42


Chess is a board game. Now, you can call chess a sport if you like – nobody can stop you. But why would you want to do that? What could be the motivation for attempting to rename chess a kind of sport? Usually, when people try to “rebrand” something, they have deep reasons for doing so. We used to do “cookery” at school – now it’s “domestic science.” We also had RI (religious instruction) – now it’s called RE (religious education). Our teachers had all been to TT (teacher training) institutions – now they all go for TE (teacher education). In these three cases, cookery sought to rebrand itself with a high-sounding science label, but this was justifed by greater theoretical content and less actual cookery. RI and TT wished to cast of the implications of “instruction” and “training” and so rebranded themselves as “educational” enterprises.