

purpose Physical reconditioning is thought to be an important treatment modality for athletes with lower extermity injuries particulary reconditioning of specific atrophied muscles. Injuried lower extermities are subject to atrophied muscles secondary to avoiding physical activity in an attempt to decrease their pain. This, in turn, results in more , muscle atrophy, increased pain and psychological distress. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an exercise program carried out by dominant leg on the strength of non - dominant leg.


The subjects of this study were a group of non-athlete male students (M= 21 years) who did not have any history of muscle injuries on leg muscle. The stemgth of knee extensor muscles of the both legs was measured by an electronic dynamometer befor and after the exetcise program. The subjects were trained by McQueen’s method for 5 weeks.


The finding indicated that carrying out the strengthening exercise by the dominant leg for 5 weeks increased the muscles strength of non - dominant leg (p.< 0.5)


Selected strengthenhing exercise programe used in this study was a method to improve muscle strength of lower extermities in non - athletes Individuals.


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